Utensils that had Chalav Akum used in them need to be kashered before being used for Cholov Yisroel. One who uses strictly Cholov Yisroel should do the same after…
Utensils that had Chalav Akum used in them need to be kashered before being used for Cholov Yisroel. One who uses strictly Cholov Yisroel should do the same after…
In my response I will assume, though this was not specified clearly, that the blender was originally Pareve. L’chatchilla you should treat the blender as though it has become…
1. The onion is fleishig. 2. The pareve knife should be kashered if you want to continue using it for pareve. 3. If you eat the onion, you do…
Many of the Cough Syrups contain glycerin (even those given as kosher L'Pesach). Can this could still be taken to cure a cough? Does it depend on the producer?…
72 hours, unless weaned due to sickness or there is a state of sakana even if weaned when healthy. שו״ע יו״ד פא, ז: תִינוֹק יוֹנֵק עַד סוֹף ד' שָׁנִים…
The tea should be discarded and the cup is treif. Being that it is a glass cup (it should not be kashered, rather) it should be thrown out. …
If it’s not glass or ceramic it can be kashered. Clean and do not use for 24 hours, leave on highest setting for half an hour, then cover with…
בדיעבד יש להתיר. מקורות: לדידן, בדיעבד מותר בחותם אחד. ראה רמ״א יו״ד קל, ב. וראה כה״ח קיח, ה. וקשר אחד חשיב כחותם. ובפרט כשיש גם טביעת עין. ואף…
No. Serving a Jew non-kosher is prohibited, because of: לפני עור, מסייע, חיוב תוכחה, מחאה, כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה. It is prohibited to eat, cook or benefit from a…
New (without a Hechsher): There is no Halachic problem with new Teflon pots. Some, however, have a Hiddur to avoid using new Teflon pots for Pesach. Some even avoid…
Wash them in the washing machine with hot water and soap, and inspect them afterwards to ensure that no chometz remains on them. אדה״ז תנג, כג. וראה שו״ת…
It will likely be consumed by that yid and his non-Jewish family. Answer: Lechatchilah it would be best to give only foods and drinks that won't create problems…
Question: Is it a problem to have a fleishik oven on top of a milchik oven or vice versa? Many houses have it set up that way. How about…
An oven may be Kashered by turning on the self-clean for a full cycle. When Kashering from Milchig to Fleishig one may Kasher even by leaving the oven on…
For coffee in general, see halacha2go.com #66: Does a coffee shop need a Hechsher? See also attachment p. 53, for an excellent review of the issues in Hebrew. As for…
Electric burners with a glass stovetop are different than gas burners in that the glass will also need to be Kashered. Due to the extremely technical and halachic difficulties,…
Yes, as pretzels are subject to the laws of Pas Yisroel. See here. Sources: חידושי חת"ס יו"ד קיב, יב. דרכי תשובה קיב, מט. ערוך השולחן קיב, לא. וראה אצלינו…
מותר לאוכלו. מקורות: ראה רמ"א סימן צ"ה סעיף ב וראה ט"ז סוסק"ד. ואם מותר לבשלו לכתחילה ע"ד לאכול עם המין השני, שקו״ט בכ״מ. וראה חכמת אדם כלל מ"ח…
Chanterelle Mushrooms are kosher. I am not familiar with a specific method to check these mushrooms for worms (which is very common in this type of mushrooms). It is…
You should not meet at a non kosher restaurant. בשו״ת אג״מ או״ח ב, מ כתב לאיסורא משום מראית עין וחשדא. וראה שם או״ח ד, פב. (ולהעיר שמה שהתיר במקום…