There’s no conclusive evidence one way or another about this topic. If, however, it’s a type of tree that naturally cannot produce dates, it would not be considered a…
There’s no conclusive evidence one way or another about this topic. If, however, it’s a type of tree that naturally cannot produce dates, it would not be considered a…
(I.e. scrambling the eggs without mixing in anything such as oil, butter, or salt, and the scrambled eggs stayed overnight). Answer: No. You may mix oil and salt…
I'm curious if we apply the same rule of opened onions to all sharp foods (garlic, green onions, etc.)? Does the Shulchan Aruch give us a "time limit" that…
שאלה: לכבוד הרב ברוין! שלום וברכה, קיבלתי הצעה להשתתף ברכישת בניין בשכונת קראון הייטס. זה פרוייקט שבו כמה חרדים משקיעים ורוכשים את הבניין, ואחר כך מוכרים את הדירות ומתחלקים…
Question: The shliach in my area gave the whole community cheesecake, I prefer not to have it in my house since it makes people in my family sick with…
שאלה: מוסד א נכנס לחנות, ובעל החנות נותן לו קופה של מוסד ב, ואומר לו: הם לא באים לרוקן, וגם שמתי צדקה בכונה לתת למוסד שלך. שניהם מוסדות חב"ד.…
This depends on a lot of details. If it is something dangerous, either physically or spiritually for the student, not only may the Mechanech take it away, he must…
Question: Is there a solution for someone who wants to sell his house, the first one he bought, which the Gemara considers to be an omen that isn’t positive?…
The following are the guidelines according to Halacha, in a situation where legally accepted, and no damage is caused to the owner. If one willingly and expressly allowed the…
Question: We are renovating our home and we move the stairs to a different place. Now there is an area upstairs which we need to put a fence on.…
Question: In se'if 14 of the Rebbe's Kuntres Inyono Shel Toras HaChassidus he brings the case of the nifkad not withholding the pikodon of the mafkid even though according…
Question: How do the Halochos of Ona'ah (cheating) apply in business? I remember coming across the halacha that one is not allowed to sell something for more than its…
Question: My brother, 12 years old, used to have a lop top and stopped using it years ago. Since I needed a lop top I asked him to look…
Fuller Picture: We live in a place where the real estate market is rapidly outpacing previous prices, as such the most common way of selling a house is to…
Full Question: Recently in NJ, the government began a free lunch program for kids 18 and under. Over the past couple of weeks, my parents have been making use…
Yes, generally this is true. Several Poskim have derived this Din from the Ram”a in Choshen Mishpat Siman 155 Sief 39 See for example: מעייני התורה עטייא ח"ב בחלק…
The money should be divided among all the Yorshim (the sons). Sources: חייב מן הדין משום הודאת בעל דין כמאה עדים דמי, וממילא חייב להחזיר אפי' מדיני אדם.…
Question Someone I know cut down a fruit tree. Since fruit trees are not supposed to be cut down, but in this case, it was already done, would a…
Question: I read somewhere that we should only lend people money in the presence of witnesses. Is the record that CashApp keeps good enough as a witness in this…
אין חיוב מעקה בבית הכנסת, ואפילו על גג בית הכנסת אין חיוב, לפי שאינו מקום דירה. אמנם, למעשה אם משתמשים על הגג יש לשים מעקה. מקורות וטעמים: עיין…