I prepaid for the Mikveh when I was not required to pay. Would I have to pay for the next year or can I use the money that I paid originally as if it were on credit?

Question clarified:

I moved to town 2 years ago. Right when I moved in I put the yearly mikvah fee in the box.

I later found out that as an employee in the mosad, I don’t have to pay. So I didn’t pay for the second year. Now I will not be working in the mosad anymore. Would I have to pay for the next year or can I use the money that I paid originally as if it were on credit?



It depends on your thoughts originally when you discovered that you really don’t need to pay. If you intended to collect the money back, it is yours and thus you can now use it as credit. If you decided to leave it and given up on collecting, it becomes property of the Mikveh.



פשוט מדין גמר בלבו בנדרי צדקה. ובאמת גם באופן הראשון יש לדון אם הוא בגדר הקדש טעות. ואכ״מ.

