They should be of beeswax, preferably. Sources: ספר השיחות תש״ד ע׳ 7 הע׳ 3. וראה הנסמן בנט״ג יוהכ״פ פכ״א ה ובהע׳ שם. ובאוצר מנהגי חב״ד ע׳ קסו ואילך.…
They should be of beeswax, preferably. Sources: ספר השיחות תש״ד ע׳ 7 הע׳ 3. וראה הנסמן בנט״ג יוהכ״פ פכ״א ה ובהע׳ שם. ובאוצר מנהגי חב״ד ע׳ קסו ואילך.…
There no such requirement, but there is room to do so as a practice of teshuvah. Sources: מצינו ברמ״א יו״ד סוסי׳ רסח שישראל מומר טובל מדרבנן. ויל״ע אם שייך…
Question: I remember learning somewhere in Gemara that one should not publicize Aveiros bein adam lamakom but one should publicize Aveiros bein adam lachaveiro. Is this halacha lemaaseh? If…
Question: תשובה is וידוי, חרטה, וקבלה על להבא. If one does תשובה, and he says that he is מקבל upon himself never to do a certain thing ever again,…
Q. How does one do Teshuva for sins committed against man? A. Teshuva is returning to the way Hashem has set out for us in His Torah. When an…
Question: I listened to a story told by R. Sheis Taub about Bob Dylan who "converted" to another religion and was told to do a tevilas baal teshuva. Only…
האם יש ענין שלא לפרסם דבר חטא (כגון לומר לחבירו, אוי! שכחתי להתפלל מנחה, וכיו”ב)? ומה המקור לזה?
כל חטא שהוא בין אדם למקום - אין לפרסם. מקורות: יומא פו, ב וברש״י: בחטא שאינו מפורסם. לא יגלה חטאו וכבוד השם הוא שכל מה שאדם חוטא בפרהסיא מיעוט כבוד…
Question: Dear Rabbi Braun Shlit"a: As a teenager I unfortunately engaged in forbidden sexual relations all the while living an otherwise (outwardly) Frum life. I am now married and…
A holocaust survivor may technically forgive an individual Nazi Yimach Shemo for what he has done to him personally. Anyone else can not forgive a Nazi Yimach Shemo for…
You should remove your mind from this completely and serve Hashem in a happy manner. It should be noted that according to the strict Halacha one may eat meat…
G-d does love you, and he will always love you. G-d chose every single Jew to be part of his nation. He chose both our souls and our physical…
Tzedaka in the equivalent of the meals eaten on 41 days should be given. This Tzedaka does not have to be given at once and can be given over…
Question: About 8 years ago I used a friend's phone without permission and went on to various websites, not realising it I signed him up to SMS messages from…
Question: How many US dollars should a person give to fulfill what the Alter Rebbe says in Tanya about the 18 polish coins for each particular Aveirah instead of…