Full Question: How is it possible to keep the Halochos of not walking in front of someone during Davening? Not to do עושה שלום if someone behind you is…
Full Question: How is it possible to keep the Halochos of not walking in front of someone during Davening? Not to do עושה שלום if someone behind you is…
No. Sources: שו״ע או״ח צו, א. אדה״ז שם.
Question: The Alter Rebbe writes in the Siddur “Lo Yafa Heim” about people that learn or say Tachanunim during Chazaras Hashatz, even if they listen to the end of…
Firstly, it is not our place to "correct" and edit any part of the Siddur. This Brocho specifically was composed by Rabban Gamliel in Yavneh with approval from all…
You should go back to the last bracha you remember saying. Sources: לדעת רוה"פ חוזר להתפלל מהברכה שודאי אמר, מחמת ספק שמא דילג על אחת הברכות. וכמה אחרונים…
Continued: Usually during Aseres Yemei Teshuva if one does not remember if he said Hamelech Hakodosh, he must Daven Shmone Esrei over again because one is used to saying…
In order to do Chazraras Hashatz, there need to be at least 6 people who Davened Shemoneh Esrei. If there weren't 6 people who Davened, then the Chazan should…