Question: The Alter Rebbe writes in the Siddur “Lo Yafa Heim” about people that learn or say Tachanunim during Chazaras Hashatz, even if they listen to the end of…
Question: The Alter Rebbe writes in the Siddur “Lo Yafa Heim” about people that learn or say Tachanunim during Chazaras Hashatz, even if they listen to the end of…
Yes, it is Minhag Chabad. See below for the sources. Sources: נרות ביהכ״נ - הובא בגמ׳ ברכות נג, א. ובכ״מ בראשונים. וכ״ה בשו״ע או״ח קנא, ט. רחצ, יא…
Firstly, it is not our place to "correct" and edit any part of the Siddur. This Brocho specifically was composed by Rabban Gamliel in Yavneh with approval from all…
הרבי העלה שאלה זו בהתוועדות והשאיר את זה בספק. גישה אחת היא לחכות עד אחרי חצות ואז לומר תחנון. מקורות: ראה שיחת פסח שני תשמ״ג. ובהנחה - תורת…
You should go back to the last bracha you remember saying. Sources: לדעת רוה"פ חוזר להתפלל מהברכה שודאי אמר, מחמת ספק שמא דילג על אחת הברכות. וכמה אחרונים…
The Chazan should bend his head and say ברכו את and pick up his head while saying Hashem's name, and then bend his head again at ברוך and then pick…
The Rebbe asked this question and didn’t provide us with an answer. Sources: ראה ר״ד משיחת ש״פ בהו״ב תש״נ, נדפס בתורת מנחם במקומו. וכמדומה קרוב לודאי ששמעתי חקירה…
Question: I'm teaching in a school to girls who struggle in many areas. What would you suggest as basic Tefillos that would be the minimum the girls should be…
One who is up the entire night says only the first paragraph of Shema at Chatzos. Being up the entire night means being up until Alos. Question 2: You answered…
One who did not hear Krias Hatorah should read that Parsha himself from a Chumash. This applies to both Shabbos (Shachris & Mincha) as well as to Monday &…
(Birkas hashachar? Shema? Korbonos? Davening? Birkas hamozon? Al Hamichya? Making a Siyum? Krias Shema Al Hamitah? Making a Brocha? Making a Brocha with Chashivus/Brabim e.g Sheva Brochos?) Also, is…
Question: There is a universal Nigun in the Nusach of Maariv of Yomim Noraim. It is often sung in middle of the Brocha between Boruch Ato Hashem and the…
In order to do Chazraras Hashatz, there need to be at least 6 people who Davened Shemoneh Esrei. If there weren't 6 people who Davened, then the Chazan should…
Purposefully repeating words should be avoided for many reasons. Among them: the amount of words in Davening is precise and repeating the words tampers with the number; it indicates…