Question: Regarding cutting nails the day before Erev Yom Tov, is there the same concern that we have for Shabbos, not to cut on Thursday because it'll "grow" on…
Question: Regarding cutting nails the day before Erev Yom Tov, is there the same concern that we have for Shabbos, not to cut on Thursday because it'll "grow" on…
Similarly - can they be cut Wednesday after Shkia? Answer: Thursday only after tzeis. Wednesday should not cut from after Shkiah. Sources: כיון שהטעם משום כבוד שבת,…
Question: I'm in the shloshim for my sister and I'm in shidduchim. My nails are uncomfortably long, and I'd like to know if I can get a manicure. (I…
Question: I'd been taught to cut nails on the day of mikvah. Someone recently told me that it can be cut a few days before since that would be…
Nail Cutting Homepage - When & How Question: I've heard that it's better not to cut one's nails on Sunday (because it's not so respectful to Shabbos that…
Filing is OK. See in the sources here: Sources: וכ״ש הוא מר״ח וכו׳. ואכתי יש להנדז בה, דשמא מחמת הגירור נמי גדלים שוב. והן למ״ד שהוא משום…
Question: We don't cut nails on Thursday because of the resulting growth of the nails that will start on Shabbos. Why are timers allowed to be used to make…
You should still get rid of them. Moving them won’t necessarily help, see below in the references. However if mistakenly a nail fell and you can’t find it you…
Indeed, every effort should be made to prepare for the Yemos HaMoshiach. But in this specific case, this is the wrong approach. Holy sefarim present serious matters about growing…
Yes. For more info see: #6223
There is a disagreement whether fingernails and toenails have the same din which nails to cut first. Sources: בפרישה רמא שאין חילוק. ואף שיש מקום להעמיס בדבריו דקאי…
The day follows the previous night, so you shouldn’t cut hands by night and feet the following day. However, the night after the day is a new beginning. …
One may not cut his/her nails on Rosh Chodesh, but may paint them, etc. There is room to be lenient about filing too. In regards to your specific question,…
Yes. א״א תיז תנינא. וראה עוד בשאלה 9438: #14646
You can ask them to sweep the area that you plan to step on so that there are no possible remnants of nails, and then that will remove all…
It should not be done. If the nails are large and need to be cut, they should be cut regardless. Sources: לכאו׳ י״ל שתלוי אם הוא משום דדמיא…
While burning the nails is generally preferred to flushing them, it is better to flush immediately than to burn later. To explain: The main reason given by Rishonim of…
There is no difference between filing and cutting nails. Care should be given that it is disposed of properly. A practical solution is to do it over the sink…
Question: If a woman would like a service of manicures or pedicures in a salon, and it includes a goy cutting her nails, is the goy allowed to throw…
Yes. Even adults may cut their nails. Those who are stringent, only forbid in the week of Tisha b’av after Shabbos Chazon. Sources: ראה מג״א תקנא, יא. משנ״ב…