It’s advisable to kasher. Where kashering is impossible, such as earthenware, one should ideally kasher the keilim three times nonetheless and use only after 24 hours. Sources: נחלקו…
It’s advisable to kasher. Where kashering is impossible, such as earthenware, one should ideally kasher the keilim three times nonetheless and use only after 24 hours. Sources: נחלקו…
According to Halacha, there is no need to cover. However some bring in the name of the Shaloh that one should be strict with uncovered water. Sources: בכללות…
Question: I cut garlic with a fleishig knife and then roasted it. Would we be permitted to eat it during the fish course of the Shabbos meal? If yes,…
Question: Is there a solution for someone who wants to sell his house, the first one he bought, which the Gemara considers to be an omen that isn’t positive?…
Question: I tried to make beef jerky for Shabbos using a big roast and I realized after that I put Worcester’s sauce in it which has anchovy paste (fish…
Yes, if the Challah is dry (otherwise regardless it is forbidden on Shabbos) and the pot is totally closed and cover is clean and dry. If the crockpot cover…
Food that was under a bed should be discarded (thrown in the garbage etc.). However, in certain cases in which there is a greater necessity, one would be allowed…
There is a Halachah in Shulchan Aruch that one should not drink water B’sha’as Hatekufah (four moments throughout the year, the two equinoxes and the two solstices, which mark when…
Q. Can I bake vegetables that are going to be used for the fish course in the oven at the same time as uncovered chicken? A. No, unless they’re…