No halachic problem (assuming they are not Kohanim). #10512
No halachic problem (assuming they are not Kohanim). #10512
Yes. Even adults may cut their nails. Those who are stringent, only forbid in the week of Tisha b’av after Shabbos Chazon. Sources: ראה מג״א תקנא, יא. משנ״ב…
שאלה: בחומש דיום ראשון פרשה וירא ״ויאמר אדני אם נא״ רש״י מביא פירושים, א׳ חול ופירוש א׳ קודש. אבל בדיבור המתחיל הוא כותב ״אדני״ (ולא ״ה׳״ כבשאר מקומות שמצטט…
coming soon... sink, counters, oven and stove for Pesach 808 Dual Definitions of Discernible Damage מ״מ 727 When Kashering an Oven from Fleishig to Milchig is OK מ״מ 722 Ground Rules…
Although the following link discuses specifically a dream about losing teeth, the same applies to a dream about getting married. #10009
In general a Psak which the local Rov gives for his community has to be adhered to by the members of the community. The Rebbe in many of his…
Covid-19 Second Wave According to Halacha As long as you follow medical guidelines you are okay. #9806
One should not move homes on Monday (including Sunday night) or Wednesday (including Tuesday night). It most auspicious and preferable to move on Tuesday (including Monday night). If the…
You may make Techina on Shabbos however it requires a couple of conditions. First you most pour a large amount of liquid right in the beginning so that the…
Although in general we don't give dreams much significance these days, a dream in which a person sees a Tzadik and certainly in which a Chosid sees the Rebbe,…
Hatavos Chalom should be done as well giving Tzedaka. Following this, you should ignore the dream. Halachically most dreams are considered meaningless nowadays, and should only be deemed as…
In general we are not particular about dreams nowadays, because we don't really know how to interpret them properly; only a Rebbe can tell us their meaning. Sometimes the yetzer…
Yes. In Yemei Melech (volume 2 page 638), the following is recounted: Once the Rebbe stood next to the Frierdiker Rebbe and sneezed. The latter said that the custom…
FREE TRANSLATION B”H, 10 Sivan 5780 Related to travel (for the foreseeable future, including Gimmel Tammuz): At this time, we do not regard air travel as safe for…
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AskTheRav and the Beis Din of Crown Heights will no longer be giving recommendations regarding what activities are encouraged or discouraged due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. This…
The prohibition of counting Jews is not to count them by numbers: 1, 2, 3. Getting results via other means is not a problem, as was done many times…
FREE TRANSLATION BH Parshas Achrei Mois Kedoishim 5780 "And the Living Will Take To Heart" From the Beis Din Secretarariat On behalf of the Rabbonim, Morei D’asra and…