Question: I gave birth approx 6 weeks ago and trying to get tehora. I made a hefsek and a moch on Monday and there was some color on it…
Question: I gave birth approx 6 weeks ago and trying to get tehora. I made a hefsek and a moch on Monday and there was some color on it…
Question: Does a woman say atifa vekitfa after kiras shema before zivug? Do we say the last few words that are in parentheses after atifa? Answer: A woman…
Dear Rabbi, In Pirkei Avos (1:5) it says: ''Do not engage in excessive conversation with a woman. This is said even regarding one's own wife—how much more so regarding the…
Question: I, as well as my chosson are devoted chassidim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. There is a kallah teacher that I am very close to that is Chassidish (non-Lubavitch).… Important Notice About Women's Mikvah - Timely Messages from Rabbi Braun Episode #25 - The following are the guidelines for going to the mikvah…
Question: I just looked over my calendar and realized that I missed a onah beinunis and Yom onah on Yom Tov. We were away at relatives, so I wasn't…
Update (Rosh Chodesh Nissan): See here. Women's Mikvah: A woman who is quarantine should not go to Mikvah. In addition, stay posted with the guidelines of your local…
* This was written Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780, at the height of the pandemic. Answer: Not appropriate to refrain. Sources: ראה משנ״ב תקעד בשעה״צ ח. כה״ח…
A. The custom is not to go during the days of the flow. Q. Does the custom of not going to the Ohel during her period apply to…
Question: What is the reason behind not sleeping together even when the wife is tahor? and should one be meikel if it means a lot to his wife? …
Is a heter needed from a Rov for a scheduled C-section? If medically mandated, there is no need for a heter. Can a husband be in the room…
Hefsek Tahara should ideally be done right before sunset, i.e. within half an hour of sunset. Best at candle lighting time. But if necessary may be done from the…
סימנים שמסרה רחל ללאה
שאלה: ראיתי בדפים של מדריכי חתנים שנוהגים בלילה הראשון לקיים שלושת הסימנים שמסרה רחל ללאה שהובא בספר חסד לאברהם. האם זה מנהגנו וכך צריך להדריך את החתנים? תשובה:…
Question: My wife's Tichel falls off a lot during Tashmish and she has to keep on adjusting it. Must she wear it during Tashmish? Answer: The Zohar states,…
תשובה: אפשרי. אבל יש שנהגו להחמיר. מקורות: בשכנה״ג רמ בהגה״ט: וכש״כ לילי שבועות עצמן. ומוכח שהוא בשני הימים. וכ״מ באור צדיקים לח, יא. (וצ״ע בכוונתו - ראה שם…
Atifa bkitfa every time they have relations. Chapter 23 whenever there’s a possibility of her becoming pregnant. Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to say it every time too. See…
The wife should also say it. Sources: מקורו בפע״ח שער קשעהמ״ט יא. משנת חסידים ליל שבת ה, ו. סידור ר׳ שבתי. והובא גם בבאה״ט או״ח רמ, ד, בשם…
So long as we are in Galus, Mikvah would be pushed off to Motzaei Tishah B'av. All preparations should be done on Erev Tisha B'Av, including bathe, brush hair,…
No. You may wash the bottom half of your body. Sources: רמ''א ס' תקנ''א סט''ז וכתב ''מעט כדרכה בשאר ימות השנה'', ולכאו׳ הני מילי קצת סתראי נינהו, שמעט…
Setting aside a perfume just for the days of Nidah wouldn’t make it permissible. However if you wear a very small amount that doesn’t give off a strong smell…