If it has no water, yes. PS Some are lenient with children before the age of chinuch with gebrokts in general. Others are lenient to put the cream cheese…
If it has no water, yes. PS Some are lenient with children before the age of chinuch with gebrokts in general. Others are lenient to put the cream cheese…
Not ideal. Sources: רעק״א סי׳ תמ״ו על מג״א סק״ב, והגהות ח״ס שם, די״ל דלא מקיים בזה עשה דתשביתו, דאין שליחות לנכרי. וה״ה קטן. אלא, שבלא״ה שורפים לפני חצות…
Although halachically nail polish is accepted on Pesach without a hechsher, many have the custom not to use them on Pesach unless you know it's chometz free. …
The Alter Rebbe writes that Gebroks only applies to Matza with water. Thus there is no issue of Gebroks with Matza and butter. However, many people will not eat…
Charcoal which might contain chometz as a binder should not be used. One would need to inquire if wheat is used. Starch binders from corn are okay. Sources:…
Any unflavored bottled water without any additives of minerals, carbonation etc. is kosher for Pesach. Check the label carefully. #14075 (1)
Question: I’m eating some cake or fruit or fish etc., is there a simple way to estimate if it’s a kazayis? Answer: Approximately the size that fits into…
מותר. מקורות: בגוף הענין, הרי נצוצות לא שכיחי, וגם אם נתמלא על כל גדותיו, הרי בשעת הברכה והאמירה אא״פ שלא ישפך קצת, וממילא כבר אינו מלא בעת השתי׳.…
שאלה: לא ראיתי מובאת בלוח הבד"צ הזהירות שהביא הרב יעקב לנדא ששמע מאדנ"ע - להקדים ולסיים אכילת חמץ שלושת רבעי שעה לפני סוף הזמן (יגדיל תורה נ.י. גל' נב…
Question: I am finishing an Invisalign treatment and one of the options is to glue a metal wire behind the front bottom teeth. Is there any problem? Such as…
Question: I remember once hearing that there is a problem kashering certain sink faucets. I may be somewhere for Pesach where the head of sink faucet (the main faucet)…
Question: I have a separate pot to hard boil eggs prior to Pesach. Can that pot also be used for removing skins from tomatoes? Answer: As per custom,…
Yes. wine too. Sources: לא נז׳ בפוסקים. ובכלל, חומרא יתירה היא. וראה ברכ״י תעא, ב. אבל להעיר מלבוש תפט, ט. ערוה״ש תעא, ה. ובלוח יומי לערב פסח כתבנו:…
AskTheRav cannot comment on Kashrus of a product without visiting the plant. Kitniyos may be fed to them. Millet and canary grass seed and rape seed can be used…
Question: For those who have hidurim and chumros with regards to what they eat on Pesach (for example, not eating things with sugar or processed foods), is there a…
Question: An elderly (Lubavitch) person has difficulty swallowing (including danger of choking and pneumonia from food particles) and now only eats pureed food. The only safe way for him…
Yes, through Libun Gamur: Run a fire in it for at least an hour (in the highest temperature setting) with the top down. If you don't replace the grates,…
שאלה: שמעתי שאין להכשיר ע״י עירוי מקומקום חשמלי לפי שהמים נתחממו ע״י גוף חימום ולא מהקומקום. וממילא אינו ככלי ראשון שהדפנות חמים שנתחממו ע״י האש. וכאן הדפנות נתחממו מהמים.…
Question: I am in seventh grade and I am not yet Bar Mitzvah. My class has a canteen and we sell chametz items. What are we supposed to do…
Question: It is often repeated that it's "minhag Chabad" not to eat Matzah starting already 30 days before. However the only basis for this is a letter in Igros…