I am going on merkas shlichus and if I see that someone won't make it through all 4 koisois, should I push them for at least 1/2/3 of them?…
I am going on merkas shlichus and if I see that someone won't make it through all 4 koisois, should I push them for at least 1/2/3 of them?…
One may only add water to the extent that the wine - or grape juice - can still be drunk as wine and served to guests that way. Regardless,…
Question: I heard that it was mekubal from Chassidim that the Alter Rebbe said that the shiur of a reviis is the size of a "sotka" - 120 milliliters.…
Question: We're buying glasses for our public seder. For a number of reasons, the stemmed glasses are more desirable (nicer, cheaper, and overall more a keepsake). Is there a…
מותר. מקורות: בגוף הענין, הרי נצוצות לא שכיחי, וגם אם נתמלא על כל גדותיו, הרי בשעת הברכה והאמירה אא״פ שלא ישפך קצת, וממילא כבר אינו מלא בעת השתי׳.…
Question: My wife has gallstones and she is on a gluten free diet. The sulfites in the wine and sugar in the grape juice don't agree with her at…
The minimum alcohol percentage that is recommended is at least 5%. Sources: מבוסס על שיעור חוזק היין בזמנם ואחוזי האלקוהול אחרי המזיגה - ראה בית אהרן וישראל…
We are Shluchim on a small island. A week ago the government made alcohol sales illegal and shut down supermarkets, we are not allowed to leave our home at…
I understand that the first one is דאורייתא, so it's probably more. But what about the last 3? Answer: The following are the minimal amounts for the Seder:…
For those that dislike wine, with a medical condition or pregnant, Grape Juice may be used. It is recommended to add some wine to the grape juice if possible.…
האם יש ענין בנוגע לד’ כוסות להחמיר כשיטת הצל”ח/חזו”א?
אין סיבה לעשות כן. מקורות: בכלל, חזר בו אדה״ז משיעור הנ״ל (ראה שו"ע רבינו הזקן הל' נדה קצ, יג. שו״ת שארית יהודה יו״ד יא. צ״צ יו״ד קב. שם…