By Horav Y. Braun When treating on Shabbat a patient who is critically ill, or when dealing with an individual whose life is in danger – known in…
By Horav Y. Braun When treating on Shabbat a patient who is critically ill, or when dealing with an individual whose life is in danger – known in…
I was asked on Mivtzoim if it’s OK to smoke marijuana on Pesach or there’s a problem with it? Answer: For ingesting marijuana: If it’s medical marijuana that… Important Notice About Women's Mikvah - Timely Messages from Rabbi Braun Episode #25 - The following are the guidelines for going to the mikvah…
– FREE TRANSLATION – BH, 27 Adar 5780 To all the residents of Crown Heights, כאן צוה ה' את הברכה, שיחיו,…
Teffilah Betzibur can be done by joining in and Davening at the time the Tzibur are Davening, preferably at the time you know a specific Minyan is Davening, such…
Update (Rosh Chodesh Nissan): See here. Women's Mikvah: A woman who is quarantine should not go to Mikvah. In addition, stay posted with the guidelines of your local…
Question: Can a Bocher learning in Yeshiva (or a girl in seminary) in Eretz Yisroel change their ticket to go home early because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? Are…
מותר. ראה הלכה יומית אות תנז ובמקורות ועיונים שם. אמנם, שמתי לב ששם משפחתך הוא כהן. בהנחה שאתה באמת כהן, יש כאן שאילה נוספת אם האבקה מטמאת במגע משא…
Full Question: Since I learned that Mitzvos need kavana (and I know it should take quick, but) since I'm afraid not to have it, so I decided to just say…
There are various types of reflexology. If no energy healing or meditation is used then it’s not forbidden. One may halachically use medical treatments even if it is based…
E-cigarettes and VAPES, whether in pod or liquid form are problematic both from a Halachic and health standpoint. See here: Rabbi Daniel Stein: "Are Vaping and E-Cigarettes Kosher?"…
Full Question: As a Yeshivah Bochur, one of the things that bother me the most is the way psychology is so widely accepted by the whole world including the…
Question: An ENT examined our son in regards to his poor hearing and gave us several options to choose from, to deal with this. We discussed the options with…
This is primarily a medical question. When the Rebbe spoke about little children coming to Shul to hear Aseres Hadibros he added: “if health allows”. Ask the doctor and…
Question: My main reason in sending this Email to you is because the gap between the Klal and the leadership is growing to a point that many people (including…