שאלה: מאכל ממולא בשוקולד (כמו וופל או בלינצעס) - האם מילוי השוקולד מצטרף לכזית בכדי לחשב כזית לברכה אחרונה? ובכלל: בוופל עם המילוי שאין כזית בכדי אכילת פרס, האם…
ברכה אחרונה על מאכלים עם כמות קטנה של דגן
שאלה: מאכל ממולא בשוקולד (כמו וופל או בלינצעס) - האם מילוי השוקולד מצטרף לכזית בכדי לחשב כזית לברכה אחרונה? ובכלל: בוופל עם המילוי שאין כזית בכדי אכילת פרס, האם…
Brocha Rishona: Mezonos. With regard to the Brocha Achrona: If there is a ratio of 1/6 of mezonos to the other ingredients (which I think is the case for…
When drinking them clear, without the fruit, shehakol. See here: https://asktherav.com/12851-after-bracha-on-cooked-fruit-juice/ #14698
Question: If one eats dates or any other fruit of the 7 species, and drinks prune juice, how does the after-Brachah of the 7 species affect the after-Brachah of…
Question continued: 1. What about rose water which is very common in sfaradic circles and they do smell it and eat it as well? 2. Also for havdala would it…
For example: To say the first couple lines of asher yatzar (repeating after the teacher word by word). Once they've mastered this, to add on another line etc. …
What Bracha is said on the following items: I made a "kishka" mixture using old challah, water and some flour, cut onions, oil and spices, then I cooked the…
Is there a difference between Kemach or Taanug companies? Answer: It depends whether the corn flakes are made from actual corn pieces or from corn flour. The bracha…
It is made of wheat and egg. It is fried and then stuffed with vegetables. What would be the Bracha Acharona and would the stuffing count towards the shiur?…
כל מה שנעשה עם רכיבים מתוקים (כמו סוכר, ביצים, מי פירות וכיו”ב) שהם בכמות גדולה יותר מהקמח, ובדרך כלל עוגות בחושות, ברכתם מזונות גם לבעל נפש, עד לשיעור קביעות סעודה. כמו…
Yes, unless the pot is made from metal or plastic in which case there is room for stringency. Sources: הנה, קייל״ן לגבי ערלה, שחייב גם בנוטע בעציץ שאינו…
Question: I’m eating some cake or fruit or fish etc., is there a simple way to estimate if it’s a kazayis? Answer: Approximately the size that fits into…
Question: An elderly (Lubavitch) person has difficulty swallowing (including danger of choking and pneumonia from food particles) and now only eats pureed food. The only safe way for him…
Question: My wife has gallstones and she is on a gluten free diet. The sulfites in the wine and sugar in the grape juice don't agree with her at…
In this case, you only recite Borei Nefashos on the ordinary fruit, as the seven kinds of fruit had less than the requisite amount. In fact, even if…
Question: What bracha is soup that has blended vegetables inside? Maybe since had you not blended it, it would be vegetable soup, which is ha'adama, so the fact that…
Full Question: I always drink water during a meal as per the Halacha. Halacha2go.com article #512: The Importance of Drinking along with Eating But usually I only remember after…
Question: Are pita chips Mezonos or Hamotzie? Answer: Hamotzie. (Best to eat within a meal to avoid all doubt.) Sources: נ"ל שברכתם המוציא - הן מצד שגם…
The brachah over hamantaschen is generally mezonos, because the dough used nowadays for hamantaschen is usually mezonos. If the dough is hamotzi but the filling is sweet, the brachah…
When one has two wines, they should make a Beracha Boreh Pri Hagafen on the better wine, even if this means that they would not be able to make…