Is there a guidelines to what oat has to be pas yisroel and what doesn't have to? Answer: Oat is naturally gluten-free but the Torah says it needs…
Is there a guidelines to what oat has to be pas yisroel and what doesn't have to? Answer: Oat is naturally gluten-free but the Torah says it needs…
Question: OU has an article explaining why they say "Even those who are makpid to only eat pas Yisrael may eat Triscuits because they are not pas". Do we…
Question: I bought a Gluten-Free Bar that is made with a mixture of non-Gluten-free flour. It has potato, oat, tapioca, and a few other types of flour. Is it…
Question: I have a friend who doesn't eat chalav or pas yisroel, she also drives to shul, though she keeps other parts of Shabbos, she buys pas yisroel cookies…
Questions: Bishul: If I'm the one who turns the electricity on in my house from the fuse box, can a goy plug an electric pot into the outlet? is…
Question: We warmed wheat taco shells in the oven. Then we realized they are not pas yisroel. Do we need to do anything about the oven, i.e. kasher it?…
She should buy par baked bread and bake them herself. In the event that there is no par baked bread, she can return the bread back to the oven…
Are there any granola bars that need to be Pas Yisroel? I noticed that some bars are soft with more of a cookie type texture and in the ingredients it…
Question: Does a separate heating element (of about 500 degrees) which is added to a oven make the bread Pas Yisroel? Answer: There is a debate among contemporary…
Yes, as pretzels are subject to the laws of Pas Yisroel. See here. Sources: חידושי חת"ס יו"ד קיב, יב. דרכי תשובה קיב, מט. ערוך השולחן קיב, לא. וראה אצלינו…
The flour in Twizzlers isn’t a primary ingredient. (Thus its Bracha is Shehakol). Although they are cooked using ingredients that cannot be eaten raw, there is no issue of Bishul…
Question: These loaves don’t say that they are Pas Yisroel - but they do say that they recommend reheating (i.e. additional baking?) before eating. (Please see the attached picture.)…
Link to the product. Answer: Most likely, as is usually the case, it is not all bran. Some of the kernel would be mixed in and thus it would need…
I’m assuming that the flour is not the key ingredient, nor is it there for taste, rather it is there just to give it a crispy texture, and it is…
Mezonos cereals produced of risen batter from the Chameishas Minei Dagan (the five types of grain, i.e., wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt) are considered Pas (bread product) by many Poskim, since…
Whenever the flour/bread component is only a minute amount of the recipe, then it is not considered pas akum. (It goes without saying that you must make sure there…
קאי רק על פת פלטר - ראה יו"ד שם ס"ב. דאלו המקילים בפת בעה"ב הוא רק היכא שלא נמצא פת פלטר כלל, משא"כ בנידון של סי"ג שנמצא פת אחרת. וראה…
Please see here: #1184