Potato chips - fried potato chips should be Bishul Yisroel. Pringles - there is a Machlokes in regards to regular Potato chips if they need to be Bishul Yisroel and one…
Potato chips - fried potato chips should be Bishul Yisroel. Pringles - there is a Machlokes in regards to regular Potato chips if they need to be Bishul Yisroel and one…
Obviously, the OU ensures that are all its products are Bishul Yisroel. However, there are a range of opinions regarding what needs Bishul Yisroel. You would have to contact…
Ingredients are potato starch, potato flour, corn starch, Spanish powder, tomato paste, & assorted oil. Answer: It is the right thing to be stringent and require Bishul Yisroel.…
Is it okay to feed that to a baby? How about the following baby food- carrots, butternut squash, sweet potato? And if it was cooked with direct steam change…
The consensus of contemporary Poskim is that fish must still be Bishul Yisroel. There are various reasons. See below. It should be noted that sushi itself needs to be Bishul…
Foods that are usually eaten raw or that are not Olah Al Shulchan Melachim (fitting for a kings table) do not fall under the prohibition of Bishul Akum. However,…
I’m assuming that the flour is not the key ingredient, nor is it there for taste, rather it is there just to give it a crispy texture, and it is…
Mezonos cereals produced of risen batter from the Chameishas Minei Dagan (the five types of grain, i.e., wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt) are considered Pas (bread product) by many Poskim, since…
How about other products that are not Cholov Yisroel/Pas Yisroel, etc.? Answer: It depends. If it’s an item which you consider not Kosher, but others consider it Kosher,…
Many poskim maintain, at least in the USA, that corn is a food which isn’t subject to Bishul Yisroel, as it isn't fit to be served at a king’s table.…
There are several reasons for leniency with regard to canned vegetables, sardines, salmon or tuna: Firstly, many vegetables are edible raw, where the Issur of Bishul Akum doesn't apply.…
There is no issue of Bishul (or Pas) Akum applicable here because the oats are not fit for a kings table. They also need more cooking to make them edible…
The Brocha Reshona is Ha'adoma. The Brocha Achrona is Borei Nefoshos. Even though when eating rice, since there is a doubt regarding the Brocha, one should eat them in…