Question: Are fish eggs, such as salmon roe, considered fish, making them forbidden to be consumed with meat? Or are they like chicken eggs, that are allowed to be…
Question: Are fish eggs, such as salmon roe, considered fish, making them forbidden to be consumed with meat? Or are they like chicken eggs, that are allowed to be…
It’s advisable to kasher. Where kashering is impossible, such as earthenware, one should ideally kasher the keilim three times nonetheless and use only after 24 hours. Sources: נחלקו…
Question: I cut garlic with a fleishig knife and then roasted it. Would we be permitted to eat it during the fish course of the Shabbos meal? If yes,…
There’s a difference of opinions on this matter. Ideally, it should not be used together. Sources: יש שהתירו בצירוף הדעות שאין בזה סכנה בימינו, או שרק "ביניתא" אסור,…
It is permissible to bake fish in a meat oven if the oven is clean from any meat residue or if the fish is fully covered. Regarding if…
Question: I tried to make beef jerky for Shabbos using a big roast and I realized after that I put Worcester’s sauce in it which has anchovy paste (fish…
Answer: In general, any residue (which has actual substance, not just color) has the same status as food, and would consequently emit ריחא/זיעה equally. Practically speaking, when baking fish…
If one of them was covered - you may eat them, but if they were both uncovered - they may not be eaten. See here: …
The salmon is going to sit on lemon slices, so not directly on the barbecue. Answer: There are a couple of issues to address here: Cooking fish in…
Yes, if the Challah is dry (otherwise regardless it is forbidden on Shabbos) and the pot is totally closed and cover is clean and dry. If the crockpot cover…
The oven should be clean from actual residue between fish and meat. Some are particular to designate separate pots for both or in the case of an oven preheat…
If the grill or cedar plank is totally clean, it is okay. See here and here.
Q. Can I bake vegetables that are going to be used for the fish course in the oven at the same time as uncovered chicken? A. No, unless they’re…