Question: How about on Shabbos when the Amidah for Shabbos differs in each Tefillah? What should she do regarding Shachris and Musaf? Additionally, on Shabbos, until what point can…
Question: How about on Shabbos when the Amidah for Shabbos differs in each Tefillah? What should she do regarding Shachris and Musaf? Additionally, on Shabbos, until what point can…
שו״ע או״ח סימן קמו סעיף א-ב, ומשנ״ב שם ס״ק ז׳ וביאור הלכה שם ד״ה ויש מתירים. והאריך בזה כ"ק אדמו״ר (מהורש״ב) נ"ע במודעה רבה נדפס בסוף סידור תורה אור.…
Question: When the Minyan starts saying Aleinu, but I'm still in the middle of Ashrei/U'va Letzion/Shir shel Yom/Kave, do I stop my davening and say Aleinu with the Minyan…
One may Daven in a secluded area without a roof. שו"ע צ, ה. שוע"ר שם, ה. שע"ת שם, סק"א. #5308
It has become common practice not to remove one’s Tefillin until after the recitation of Kedushah in the passage beginning U’Va LeTziyon. Some authorities maintain that according to the Kabbalah one must [respond to] three Kaddishim while…
Question: I have noticed that pores al shma (or just a short kedusha) is not usually done in Lubavitch shuls. Is this the official Chabad minhag or should it…
The Rebbe encouraged even those who Davened Be'arichus to begin with the Minyan. Regardless, starting so close to Chatzos is itself problematic. You should begin earlier. #5004 …
אין צורך להתעטף בציצית עוד פעם. ואם הוא רוצה, יכול להתעטף בטלית לברך, ובתנאי שעברו שלוש שעות מאז שלבש את הטלית לאחרונה. #4749
Question: The custom of the Rebbe Rashab נ"ע was to say Teffilas Haderech every day he was away from home without Shem U'malchus... Where in this Teffilah is there Malchus?…
1. Is there a need for six people to be holding with the minyan at the time of Borchu? No. See here: 2. To start Chazoras Hashatz,…
שאלה: תשעה בחדר, שישה התפללו שמו''ע ביחד, אחרי ש[רובם] גמרו שמו''ע נכנס העשירי. אז אחד שעדיין לא התפלל חזר התפילה בקול. האם מותר לו לומר קדיש תתקבל? אם זה…
If you are holding in the middle of Vidui and the Tzibur is ahead saying the Yud Gimmel Midos, you may pause and say it with them. להפסיק…
The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 565:5) writes that the 13 Midos of Rachamim may not be said by an individual by way of prayer and supplication since this passage…
In order to be considered Tefilah B'Tzibur there need to be at least six men davening Shmonah Esrei together. If there were no six people davening together, then one…
The Rebbe said it’s מעין תפלה בציבור. It is not considered תפלה בציבור in the literal sense. This idea has parallels in many places. See also שו״ת בית יעקב…
Shema for the evening may be recited. Although the time it is supposed to be recited originally is during the night, one may say it during the day. However…
Yes. Sources: ראה אצלנו בהסכמה להוספות של ס׳ בירורי מנהגים סדר היום והלילה מה שכתבנו ליישב הנהוג בכ״מ דסגי בששה שומעים. עיי״ש. ואם חלק לא שמעו כל הקריאה -…
Daven our Nusach quietly. מחלוקת אחרונים. והרבה טעמים לקולא - לא תתגודדו במנהגא כשאי״ב איסור - פס״ד להצ״צ או״ח ח, ב ד״ה והנה. וראה בהערת מו״ל שבסוה״ס במהדו״ח…
This is not proper for a religious crowd. [1] Poskim advise against this. Some even forbid it outright. [2] However, if the crowd is not religious, and the purpose is…
Yes, if the comedy is clean and there is separate seating between men and women with a Mechitza as explained in question #2806 (2). #2806 (6)