Answer: No, rather you should start saying Shmoneh Esrei together with the chazzan as he begins Chazaras Hashatz following along word-for-word, and say kedusha out loud together with the…
Answer: No, rather you should start saying Shmoneh Esrei together with the chazzan as he begins Chazaras Hashatz following along word-for-word, and say kedusha out loud together with the…
Question: In the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch he paskens that for Shachris we don't say tachnun in a shul where a bris is being held (seemingly regardless if the…
The Halacha is that a brother may not hug or kiss a sister or vice versa. This applies to any type of affectionate physical contact between them. Dancing together…
While it’s best to wear tefillin when saying Shema before davening, especially if one will be eating afterwards, one may say Shema without Tefilin as long as he will…
One who can't daven towards Yerushalaim should turn at least his face towards Yerushalayim if possible. Regardless, he should have in mind as he starts davening Shemone Esrei that…
Question 1: Regarding the three steps after Shmoneh Esrei, are they meant to be three steps, as the finishing step which makes the feet next to each other, or…
And if he doesn't have to, can he stop if he wants to? And if he can't, does he have to hear Kriah afterwards? Answer: He should not…
Question: What is the criteria for determining whether to say tefilas haderech? We are taking a 3-hour drive to Connecticut, some of it is mountains. But like every minute…
Question: I am the new rabbi at a small shul, the outgoing rabbi said that when there was no minyan he would take out the Torah and read a…
Question: If I have a Passul Sefer Torah, can I take it out of the Aron Kodesh to lein from in absence of a minyan? Answer: It should…
Question: If I am taking an early morning flight, and I will arrive before sof zman tefillah, is it better to daven in the airport before the flight without…
שאלה: שאלה שעלתה אצלי כבר מספר פעמים בבית חב"ד, ועד עתה לא מצאתי עליה תשובה הולמת: קורה ופעמים עומדים באמצע התפילה בבית חב"ד - במקום שאסור להפסיק - ויש…
Question: If someone says his mother is Jewish, do we believe him? What's the rule? How far back do we look? And can he be part of the Minyan?…
Question: I live in California and I'm taking a road trip from New York to my home over the next few days, when and how often do I say…
אם כבר הפסיק בין תש”י לתש”ר בדבר שמותר להפסיק, האם מותר לו עתה כבר להפסיק לשאר עניות?
בסידור אדה"ז כתוב שמותר להפסיק בין הנחת תפילין של יד לשל ראש בעניית דברים שמותר לאמרם בברכות ק"ש. ואח"כ יברך על של ראש. שאלה: אם הפסיק בין של יד…
Is there a problem to go on a bike ride before Davening (if you have a set Minyan)? The halachah is that one may not get involved bitzrachav (in their personal affairs)…
Question: The Rabbonim שיחיו have come out with a letter urging people, now that B"H we are able to go back to shul, to be more diligent in heeding…
Question: When passing tzitzis over the eyes during Baruch She'amar and Shema, how is one to actually pass the tzitzis over the eyes? Must he merely look at them…
Answer: No, Krias Shma should be said first. One should not say Krias Shma before Mishyakir unless they are in a pressing situation. But it is not right to…
Regarding placing the head on the arm etc. - it is done as usual. When the Sefer Torah is being moved and requires one to stand, one should not…