Question: My conservative shul which allows bat cohanim to take the cohein alliyah, now wants to give them the right to duchaning. I plan to speak against this, but…
Question: My conservative shul which allows bat cohanim to take the cohein alliyah, now wants to give them the right to duchaning. I plan to speak against this, but…
No. Sources: רק הש"צ - ראה שו"ע אדה"ז קכח, טז. סידור אדה"ז במקומו. משנ״ב קכח, לו. היכל מנחם ג ע׳ רסד. קובץ הערות הת׳ ואנ״ש אושען פארקוויי יב.…
Stop and listen. Sources: ראה אצלנו כאן לענין שמיעת קריה״ת: ואף שצידדנו שם להחמיר, מ״מ ליכא בזה משום הפסק לדינא מחמת השמיעה, יעו״ש, אלא שאין להפסיק בחנם…
Question: Is there a Minhag that he who reads Haftorah should lead Musaf on the Shabbos before a Yahrzeit? What about any other Shabbos, is there such a minhag?…
Question: If a kohen has negative feelings towards one person or a group of people in shul, is he allowed to do Birkas Kohanim? What should he do in…
He may recite Birkas Kohanim and receive Aliya of Kohen, although you might consider not giving an aliya as a matter of policy in the shule. See also:…
Question: I heard that Kabbalisticlly it’s not good to cover the head Tefillin with ones Tallis. So what is one supposed to do for Birchas Kohanim when he’s supposed…
No need to wash three times. If washing three times, wash three consecutive times one hand and then the same on the other hand. Sources: כ"מ בלקו"ש ח"ט…
Question: Is there any specific behavior to follow during weekdays or Shabbos Birkat Kohanim in Sefardi minyan? I've seen some leave the room for that time. Answer: There…
Question: He is in a wheelchair so he can't stand, he also can't keep his hands up for the entire Bracha. Also, being that he has braces on his…
The “Ribono Shel Olam” is recited during Birkas Kohanim, only on the day following a disturbing or worrying dream. Otherwise, it should be recited on Yom Tov (because we…
If one is not intending for the mitzva or as a zecher for the mitzvah, it is OK. Sources: ראה עד״ז אדה״ז מז, ז. אבל ראה סה״ש תנש״א…
No. Sources: ראה שו״ע או״ח סי׳ קכ״ח סעי׳ מ׳, שו״ע אדה״ז סעי׳ נ״ג. ובמשנ״ב ס״ק קמ״ז דה״ה לזונה. וראה אבהע״ז סי׳ ו׳ סעי׳ ח׳ שנכרית בכלל זונה היא.…
There are many customs with regards to the particular way a Kohen should spread his fingers during N’sias Kapayim, but first, it is important to outline what is Halachically…
Question: The non-Lubavitch shul I will be at on Yom Tov, has the Kohanim do the long chant before vyishmerecha, vichuneka, and Shalom. Do I say the Ribono Shel…
You may do so. (In certain instances, you must do so.) Sources: להעיר משו״ע אדה״ז או״ח סי׳ קכ״ח סעי׳ נ״ז, ומהמסופר באוצר סיפורי חב״ד חט״ו ע׳ 207 (חלקו נזכר בלקו״ש חי״ח ע׳ 448). וידוע שבגליל נהגו לישא כפים רק בשבת מוסף. ולענין החיוב ראה בשו״ע אדה״ז שם…
Question: Because of the huge crowds in 770, it's often very difficult for all Kohanim to all reach the front. In such situations, is it OK for him to…
He should go back unless he already said Boruch Ata Hashem. ערך השולחן טייב קכז, א בשם המאירי מגילה כד, ב (לפני משנה ו), ושם הביאו בשם הגאונים. והו״ד…
1. Yes, unless the individual passed away. 2. Chassidim have been asked by the Rebbe to have in mind the Rebbe. מקורות: אג״ק אדמו״ר מוהריי״צ ח ע׳ קצז.…
You can rely on his word regarding giving him an Aliyah and Birchas Kohanim. Sources: עפ"י הרמא אבהע"ז סי' ג סעי' א וראה בב"ש ס"ק ב שאע"פ שהוא…