אסור. מקורות: פשוט שגם כשאינו לתעודת גמר - ה״ז איסור גניבת דעת ממש, וגם יש בזה משום שקר והוות. ומצו״ב מה שכתבנו לת״ח חשוב באה״ק: להסברא שמונע מעצמו בזיון -…
שאלו היום בנות סמינר האם מותר להעתיק במבחנים, או אסור משום גניבת דעת, גזל.
אסור. מקורות: פשוט שגם כשאינו לתעודת גמר - ה״ז איסור גניבת דעת ממש, וגם יש בזה משום שקר והוות. ומצו״ב מה שכתבנו לת״ח חשוב באה״ק: להסברא שמונע מעצמו בזיון -…
Question: Hello Rabbi, I'm a secular Jew. I was walking with my child on Sat and a Hassidic couple was walking in a perpendicular direction. I thought since I…
It may be used, even for Kiddush (assuming there is no issue with non mevushal handles by non Jews). See also: https://asktherav.com/a-drink-left-uncovered-overnight/ Sources: ראה שו״ע אדה״ז ערב, א.…
One may go up there on a temporary basis if he is careful, unless its dark etc. Sources: ראה שו״ת מהר״ח או״ז סא. מרדכי הל׳ ציצית תתקמד. הובא…
Question: If I have cans of soda (for example) out of the fridge and and another Bochur (for example) has the same type of can in the fridge, can…
Stealing is forbidden even if it involves stealing works of Torah or Chassidus. There are certain halachic exceptions where there could be room to permit, such as someone who…
Question: My son placed a bag of individually wrapped chocolate bars (which he had prepared to bring to class for a siyum) on his desk under a loft bed…
One may be lenient regarding airplane seats. There is room to be lenient regarding regular chairs too. This rule applies at all times, day or night. Additionally, in general,…
Question: Several years ago we bought a house from frum yidden. There were several issues with the house that we were not told about in advance and ended up…
Question: I am now 40 years old. Around 20 years ago when I was a bochur, I used to take money out of my Father’s bank account and his…
There are two issues: 1. Water or drinks left uncovered. See here: https://asktherav.com/a-drink-left-uncovered-overnight/ 2. Water or drinks mixed with water which stayed overnight in a metal dish. See…
Question: 1. The Alter Rebbe says (14;9) one can borrow a tallis without permission. The Aruch Hashulchan (14;12) says it is not allowed today when people put their tallis…
I’m in shul and I’m about to begin davening when I realize I’m holding someone else’s tallis! May I make a brachah on a “stolen” tallis? From a strictly…
We may use another’s tefilin if we do not have our own pair, since the halachah is, “Nicha lay l’inish layavid mitzvah bemamonay,” a person is glad when a…
Question: I work for a moisad helping them get reimbursements/payments from the government for help they provide for eligible children. I made a mistake and did not submit the…
Question: I found a Machzor for Yom Kippur in the prison chapel library, amongst goyish books. Since some inmates take the books and desecrate them and since, as far…
Question: If my landlord is Jewish and they are not fulfilling legal requirements such as taking care of rodents & pests, is it Mesirah to lodge a complaint with…
Introduction: One may not accept Schar Shabbos (payment for work done on Shabbos). One way of being permitted to accept payment for Laining is to be paid for the…
Question: I know games like poker are prohibited because of the element of stealing that can be applied to it. But what about a game like blackjack where, depending…
Question: I am considering a career in law enforcement as a forensic accountant. This means that I would be gathering financial evidence to be used in litigation proceedings. Depending…