Full Question: I read on AskTheRav that the Alter Rebbe says that since the Bris one who doesn't allow your baby to touch food without Negel Vasser is considered…
Full Question: I read on AskTheRav that the Alter Rebbe says that since the Bris one who doesn't allow your baby to touch food without Negel Vasser is considered…
It hard to say there is something Halachicly forbidden about this. However, it definitely is not something I would recommend. The general atmosphere in theme parks are not in…
Question Continued: Am I right not to support her with this, which might lead to a colder relationship from her end? As it is, her Yiddishkeit is fragile, as…
For shmira purposes, it’s enough to keep it for three or seven days (or, according to some, four weeks or thirty days). However, there is an additional reason why we…
I'm asking because I'm working on a children's project, and I'm wondering if it's appropriate to mention to the children that this project was sponsored lizchus/leiloy nishmas... Should children…
And if not, why was it so common to do so up until just a few years ago? Answer: According to halacha, a parent is allowed to hit…
Question: There aren’t many summer jobs available for my young teenage son. Can he work in a supermarket where they have a nice kosher section, but it’s mostly non-kosher…
If the money goes directly to the church, then it is not permissible, unless we know that the money is going to fund their social work and not for…
Question: Many schools struggle with finances often forced to raise millions of dollars a year and have difficulty paying their teachers timely and covering their bills. Tuition is discounted…
Yes. This is our Minhag, at the time of the Bris. ראה היום יום כ״ח אדר שני. שיחת ז׳ אד״ש תשי״א. #981 (2)
I’m assuming you are discussing preschool children. This is permissible for two reasons: Since they are below the age of Chinuch. Since it’s to put them to sleep. Still, it’s…
Is there a difference between preschool age and elementary age? Answer: The Alter Rebbe writes (Siman 489:12) that it is appropriate to wait until Tzeis Hakochevim to count…
It can be frustrating when our child does not follow the values and ideals that we strongly believe in. This can be compounded when we believe that 'she is…
One may eat Matzah till Erev Pesach. Chabad custom is not to eat it thirty days before Pesach, but this custom is not practiced universally. Even according to Chabad…
Age of Chinuch in this context is the age when they are capable of listening to the entire Megillah. The custom is to bring even children younger than the…
Question: If the light is on in a child's room and its a LED light, and it late (so it would be a challenge to find a goy), can…
Question: Should one encourage a child of 9 years old to avoid eating after Shkia (candle lighting)? What if the child did it three weeks in a row, does…
Three years old. Sources: בחי׳ הרשב״ץ ברכות כה , א ד״ה ולענין, דערות בת ג׳ ה״ה כערוה לענין ק״ש. וכ״כ כמה אחרונים (חיי״א כלל ד ס״א). וגם לענין טפח…
If you are teaching a full Brachah of Shemone Esrei, you can teach the song using Hashem's name if it is necessary. However, it is preferred to say Hashem’s name…
Question: What is the Halacha regarding saying Asher Kedishanu and Birkas Hamazon. My kids don’t like to eat Challah, and I’m wondering if they don’t eat the shiur, do…