Question: Sometimes by Shluchim on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur when Chazoras Hashatz is really long, they tell the Chazzan to read it quietly while he gives a speech,…
Question: Sometimes by Shluchim on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur when Chazoras Hashatz is really long, they tell the Chazzan to read it quietly while he gives a speech,…
צריך להוריד המנעלים מיד. אם אינו יכול ללכת הביתה בלי מנעלים (מכיון שיורד גשם והדומה) יכול ללכת לבוש במנעלים - ויורידם מיד שיגיע לביתו. אם אפשר יחליף של ימין בשמאל…
Question: The Alter Rebbe speaks of women and girls going to Mikvah before Yom Kippur. What is the accepted Lubavitcher Minhag regarding this? Is there a specific reason why…
Pregnant women (or nursing women) must fast Yom Kippur like all healthy women. The dispensation from fasting is only if it's potentially a life-threatening condition. Therefore, in low-risk pregnancy,…
Continued: Usually during Aseres Yemei Teshuva if one does not remember if he said Hamelech Hakodosh, he must Daven Shmone Esrei over again because one is used to saying…
The Minhag is that boys under Bar Mitzvah don't say Hataras Nedarim, even if they will become Bar Mitzvah within the year. Nonetheless, since his Bar Mitzvah is before…