Question: If I were to set aside Ma'aser to one organization which I was benefitting from, but now I am getting the support from a different organization, and its…
Question: If I were to set aside Ma'aser to one organization which I was benefitting from, but now I am getting the support from a different organization, and its…
The Rebbe asked this question several times but left it unresolved. At times, the Rebbe “tilted” towards one direction, sometimes to say it only once and sometimes twice, but…
There is an unresolved dispute about this matter. Sources: בס׳ המנהגים ע׳ 46 הערה 7 - "מנהג י"ז בתמוז שחל להיות בשבת ונדחה - לא שמעתי". במג״א או"ח…
The Rebbe asked this question at a Farbrengen and left it unresolved. One approach is to wait till after midnight to say it then. Sources: …
Question: Someone that was up the whole night – does he say Modeh Ani? Answer: The Rebbe asked this question and didn’t provide us with an answer. Question:…