Question: Is one allowed to sleep in socks for warmth? Is it only allowed if they're socks designated for sleeping? Answer: Permitted in all cases. While some are…
Question: Is one allowed to sleep in socks for warmth? Is it only allowed if they're socks designated for sleeping? Answer: Permitted in all cases. While some are…
Should not be done. Sources: ביומא עח, ב: האי מאן דבעי למטעם טעמא דמיתותא לסיים מסאני וליגני. ובראבי"ה ב, תקלא שהוא סכנה. וראה לקט יושר או״ח ע׳ מג…
A. An unmarried man should change his Tzitzis every morning and wear that pair until the next morning (i.e. change the pair every 24 hours). This way he’ll be…
One should wear his Tzitzis with a Bendel as done by day. However when sleeping it should be preferably a Bendel without metal. Sources: באג"ק חי"ג ע'…
The prohibition of sleeping on one’s back does not apply to women. Generally, there’s no need to sleep with a pillow. However, there are health considerations too. These obviously…
One may lay down on his back, if the head and shoulders are elevated and are higher then the rest of the body. Source: עפ"י נשמת אברהם או"ח…
Question: What’s if I fell asleep in the middle of davening, between שומר את עמו ישראל לעד and שמונה עשרה? And what if I fell asleep in the middle…
After washing Negel Vaser you may drink. There is no need to say Birchas Hashachar beforehand if you will be going back to sleep. See also here: …
This is permitted. But it is recommended to avoid or minimize closer to going to sleep. קיצור שו״ע קנא, ד: בִּסְעוּדַת הַלַּיְלָה, לֹא יַרְבֶּה בַאֲכִילָה וּבִשְׁתִיָה, וְלֹא יֹאכַל…
Women may go to sleep with socks for Tznius purposes. See here regarding woman exposing their feet while they are alone: Sources: שלא לישון באנפלאות - ראה…
One should not sleep during the day longer than what is called Sheinas Ha’Sus, the duration of time that a horse sleeps. Daytime is for learning Torah, not for…
A man should not sleep alone at night in a house; according to many Poskim, this also applies to sleeping alone in a room, even if there are other people…
באם הולכים לישון אחרי חצות, האם גם כך צריכים לישון על הצד השמאלי?
בפשטות לא משנה לפני חצות לאחרי, דטעם הדבר שייך לעיכול. וממילא תלוי בתחילת שינתו שצ״ל תמיד בשמאל. אמנם, לפי הקבלה יש בזה חילוק בין חצות לאחרי׳. ונסתפקו בזה. ראה…