– FREE TRANSLATION – BH, 27 Adar 5780 To all the residents of Crown Heights, כאן צוה ה' את הברכה, שיחיו,…
– FREE TRANSLATION – BH, 27 Adar 5780 To all the residents of Crown Heights, כאן צוה ה' את הברכה, שיחיו,…
In a case of a choleh she’yesh bo sakanah (someone who is critically ill), G-d forbid, one may be lenient and say Tehillim at night, especially if it’s after chatzos. See Halacha2go.com #498. …
Question: As things look, it seems we may need to be making Pesach at home this year. Since Mikvaos are closed, how can we go about doing tevilas kelim…
Rov's Messages are now Podcasts! Rabbi Yosef Y. Braun's timely messages of Halacha and inspiration are now available in Podcast form. The Timely Messages Podcast is available via Spotify…
מנין באופן כזה אינו מועיל. ו״צריך שיהיו כל העשרה במקום אחד ושליח צבור עמהם, אבל אם מקצתם בחדר זה ומקצתם בחדר אחר אינם מצטרפים״ - שוע"ר סי' נה סעי' טו.…
Dear Rabbi, I have thought all my life that one needs to listen to Rabbi’s and doctors, but I have searched the CDC website and I have not seen…
Q. The local shuls are all closed due to coronavirus and there are no minyanim. It is possible that many, more than two, weekly public Torah parsha readings will…
Teffilah Betzibur can be done by joining in and Davening at the time the Tzibur are Davening, preferably at the time you know a specific Minyan is Davening, such…
Update (Rosh Chodesh Nissan): See here. Women's Mikvah: A woman who is quarantine should not go to Mikvah. In addition, stay posted with the guidelines of your local…
שאלה: האם אפשר לשמוע ולהשתתף במנין ב770 בטלפון 770live ולענות לקדישים, ברכו, חזרת השץ, ופתיחת הארון? מענה: כמובן שאינו יכול לצאת ידי חובת תפילה במנין. אבל אפשר לענות…
Question: Can a Bocher learning in Yeshiva (or a girl in seminary) in Eretz Yisroel change their ticket to go home early because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? Are…
Question: This year, due to COVID: 1) Can a kriah of zachor be arranged just for women (and kids) in a shul after davening (withou a minyan and brachos)?…
* This was written Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780, at the height of the pandemic. Answer: Not appropriate to refrain. Sources: ראה משנ״ב תקעד בשעה״צ ח. כה״ח…