There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
You should take the pot out of the base first. One may return the pot provided that one adheres to all the Chazara conditions: The food must be completely…
Question: Food in an open tray was placed on a blech that was off on Shabbos. Then the blech turned on because of a timer (mistake). What's the din…
There are three halachic issues when using a crock-pot on Shabbos: shehiyah, chazarah and hatmanah—and each one has a halachic solution. Shehiyah Problem: Shehiyah is the prohibition of leaving food on an open fire…
Question: I have the habit of putting raw cholent in the crock pot 5-10 minutes before licht bentching and then run to mikveh and daven mincha. If this a…
Question: We fully cook the cholent before Shabbos in a pot and then transfer it to the crock pot. Last Shabbos we forgot to plug in the crock pot.…
האם אפשר לסמוך על גוי לענין חזרה בשבת?
שאלה: האם מותר לכתחילה לבקש מהגוי שיסלק קדירה מכירה גרופה או קטומה ויחזירה על גבי הכירה בשבת, באם הוא יעשה כל תנאי החזרה? דהיינו האם אפשר לסמוך על הגוי…
To schedule it before Shabbos to turn off: There’s no issue. To schedule it to turn (back) on: If it is a food that involves a prohibition of…