Dentures on Shabbos
Question: If dentures need a powder and then dabbed with water to make it sticky to stay on ones gums, Is that allowed on Shabbos (to make something sticky…
Question: If dentures need a powder and then dabbed with water to make it sticky to stay on ones gums, Is that allowed on Shabbos (to make something sticky…
That piece shouldn’t be eaten. Sources: הוריות יג, ב. ונחלקו אם הוא כל החתיכה או רק בחלק שנשך - ראה לקט יושר יו״ד ע׳ 6. יוסף אומץ יוזפא…
קבלת שבת מוקדמת בבית הכנסת
שאלה: בשו״ע אדה"ז סי׳ רסג בסופו, כתב: "מִי שֶׁקָּדַם לְהִתְפַּלֵּל עַרְבִית שֶׁל שַׁבָּת קֹדֶם שֶׁהִתְפַּלְלוּ הַקָּהָל . . יכול לומר לחבירו שלא קיבל עדיין השבת לעשות לו מלאכה". האם…
Question: I have noticed that many shuls that have five people with the minyan will daven amida and then have the six person does the whole chazaras hashatz, is…
I assume you’re talking about coconut water. Haetz when drinking straight from the fruit and eating the fruit too. Sources: ראה בא״ח ש״א פינחס ט. כה״ח רב, סב. ובשותה…
Tzitzis shouldn’t be cut with metal, rather they should [specifically] be cut with ones teeth. If this proves to be difficult, one can cut them using other materials -…
Beer itself is not considered water, although there is room to be stringent for those who wish. Sources: ראה קצוה"ש סי' מ"ח בדה"ש ס"ק י'. כף החיים סי' קסח…
Question: If a recipe calls for enough flour to be chayav in Challah, but the only liquid present is almond or oat milk, is there still a need to…
One should not interrupt between the conclusion of Shmoneh Esrei and Tachnun. On the other hand, there is an Inyan to say Tachnun with a Minyan. Practically, if when…
Question: I went to buy a hot water urn from a Jewish company/manufacturer (chefman) that says it doesn’t require Tevilah. However it was bought on Amazon. Does it require…
The bar mitzvah boy. If the girl did do it, it is certainly kosher after the fact. Nonetheless, if the dough doesn’t belong to her, some opinions maintain it…
Question: I travel almost every week on flights. Once in a while, there are is a long delay and I'm forced to wait in the airport. I'm sometimes in…
האם יכולים להטמין חלות ברדיד כסף בערב שבת ולהניחו בתנור גז שכבר נכבה אבל עדיין חם, האם יש בעיה בזה כי התנור מוסיף הבל בהחלה?
מותר לעטוף החלה ברדיד כסף ולהניחו בתנור חם מערב שבת. אבל יש אומרים שאסור להטמין החלה בכמה שכבות של רדיד כסף ולהניחו בתנור חם. מקורות: ראה שוע"ר סי'…
Either option is fine, as long as it’s not in middle of an inyan. One should not interrupt during reading these sections: עשרת הדברות, תוכחה, שירת הים, שמונה פסוקים…
Question: If I washed Shabbos afternoon, then continued farbrenging until chatzos, and stopped and said krias shema shel arvis to ensure I said it before chatzos, may I continue…
Such a segula is mentioned in Seforim. However, there are many conditions mentioned. Among them, the stone must be it's natural size not cut and tempered with, it should…
Question: There is a fine young man in our community in the process of converting. He's so frum and aidel. Wakes up early, studies many hours of Torah per…
Question: I have a question about the kashrus status of a kitchen (stove, oven, counters etc.) and utensils (pots, plates, cutlery). There is someone subletting my apartment as I…
Some sources imply - one Siddur. See here: #21194
עושה מעשה בראשית without Hashem’s name. If you haven’t seen it within 30 days. כיון שלא נזכר בגמרא ופוסקים. וראה שער העין אריאל ז, ו ובהערה טו. …