Permitted, so long there is no yichud, and done in a tznius fashion. Sources: פשוט דל״ד להבראה (ודלא כמו שר״ל בשו״ת שארית הצאן א, יא, מחכמי מרוקו, בטעם…
Permitted, so long there is no yichud, and done in a tznius fashion. Sources: פשוט דל״ד להבראה (ודלא כמו שר״ל בשו״ת שארית הצאן א, יא, מחכמי מרוקו, בטעם…
She might need to sing the exercises. And she's the best voice teacher in town... Answer: A man should take not voice lessons from a woman, if this…
האם מותר ללכת לחדר כושר מעורב? במקום שאין חדר כושר נפרד – האם אפשר להקל בזה?
אסור, ואין להקל. וראה כאן:
Question: I have a question about the concept of shlichus: I know the vast majority of shluchim are the best of the best in every area. However, it appears…
עד איזה גיל אפשר להכניס ילדה קטנה לבית הכנסת לעזרת גברים?
והאם יש בזה הבדל כמה הבית כנסת מלא [למשל ב770 שלפעמים זה ממש צפוף]? מענה: מעשה רב (בהסכם גדולי ישראל) שגם ילדות קטנות באות עם אבותיהן (לא רק לעזרת…
Question: My children like music. They express interest in attending concerts. I only feel comfortable if there is no mixed seating. Even if there isn't mixed seating, something about…
Yes where you have no yarmulke, however you should not walk outdoors like that. Sources: פשטות דברי כל הפוסקים דמהני לא רק לענין ובחוקותיהם אלא גם לענין צניעות…
Question: Can a woman wear a dress with sleeves that are lined with a skin colour material, that may give the illusion that the sleeves are transparent and therefore…
He must wear a shirt with at least short sleeves. See also here: Sources: נחלקו בפי׳ פוחח במגילה כד, א שרוב הראשונים פירשו דקאי אזרועותיו וכתפיו מגולות.…
Yes, if it’s cut off. Sources: כ״ה הסכמת רוב ככל הפוסקים - ראה שלה״ג שבת סד, ב. דרכ״מ או״ח שג, ו. יד אהרן אה״ע א, כא, ז. שם…
Question: Am I allowed to show a picture of my belly exposed during my C-section to anyone if I am not identifiable - so it could be anyone’s belly…
Question: Am I allowed to photograph a chosson/kallah kissing? Does it make a difference if it's in front of others or in private (just me and the two of…
Question: Lekavod Harav, I'm not sure if you remember all the details of my story, but a quick summary: I was adopted at birth by a Jewish family and…
Question: If a Kalla won't be covering her hair at the wedding besides a veil, from what point after the wedding does she need to cover her hair in…
Question: In the halochos regarding hair covering, a bald married woman needs to cover her head, meaning the head needs to be covered even though the focus is on…
Although it's best to be properly covered while learning, nonetheless when it is not possible you can still listen to a shiur. Sources: האשה יושבת וקוצה חלתה ערומה…
Question: I am a shlucha living in a very hot climate and I would like to start wearing a hat fall instead of a full Shaitel when doing things outside…
Question: There is a Purim Seudah planned to take place this year. The way it's set up is family sitting (family per table). I don't know whether there are…
Women or single girls should not drink alcohol in front of other men, as it is a violation of tznius. Tasting Kiddush is not included. Regarding a married woman, there are…
Question: Hi, I was wondering about a recent new book which has a picture on the front cover with a married woman and her hair is mostly uncovered, is…