Questions: 1) Do I need to make a new Brocha if I change my Tzitzis midday (after exercise, for example)? 2a) If I merely try-on a pair of Tzitizis,…
Questions: 1) Do I need to make a new Brocha if I change my Tzitzis midday (after exercise, for example)? 2a) If I merely try-on a pair of Tzitizis,…
An Amah by two Amos (48 cm. x 96 cm.), provided he can do the "ituf" with that size. It’s best to have it a bit larger, in case…
If yes, can you cut a corner (to make it round)? What is considered rounded? Answer: The common custom is not to attach Tzitzis to blankets, whether they are…
Yes. You should wear it for the first time before the beginning of the nine days. Sources: אין מברכים עליו ברכת שהחיינו כמבואר כאן: ולכאורה אין קפידא…
No, because the Bracha of Shehechiyanu for Tzitzis is for the clothing of it, not the Mitzva, and a Tzitzis is not (generally) considered an important garment in this…
A woman is qualified to attach tzitzis to a garment, Some authorities, however, disagree and hold they are not qualified to attach tzitzis to a garment, because they are…
Question: Does this cape (for my 12 year old son's for Purim costume) need Tzitzis? Answer: You should explicitly say that you are only lending it to him…
The garment (Beged): Should be 1 Amah (48cm) in length, and 1 Amah in width on both sides (i.e. total length two amos, one Amah front length and one…
Tzitzis strings are considered tashmishei mitzvah, articles used for a mitzvah. This means that they themselves are not sacred; they are merely used for a mitzvah. Therefore, after they…
ש. האם בחור הניגש לעמוד כש”ץ לסליחות צריך להתעטף בטלית גדול? באג"ק ח"ט ע' ריד וחי"ב ע' תמה וחי"ט ע' רמט שולל כללות הענין אצל בחור, אמנם בחט"ז ע'…
The minimum size of a Talis Koton - Tzitzis is approximately 19 in. wide and 19 in. long on each side until the hole for the neck Which is…
אין צורך להתעטף בציצית עוד פעם. ואם הוא רוצה, יכול להתעטף בטלית לברך, ובתנאי שעברו שלוש שעות מאז שלבש את הטלית לאחרונה. #4749
The lining should preferably be silk. Sources: ראה אגרות קודש ח"ב עמ' לג. וראה בספר ציצית הלכה למעשה טו, ג (ע׳ רל) מפי השמועה משום זה קלי ואנוהו.…
מעיקר הדין אין בעיה (ואדרבה לפי מנהגנו - מנהג המקובלים - יש ללבשו מתחת לכל המלבושים. אבל בכתבי האריז״ל מבואר שלובשים אותו מעל החלוק. ויש שכתבו הטעם בכדי שלא…
If the snap is attached to the Tzitzis it is not acceptable. Sources: בשו״ע אדה״ז י, יח: צריך ליזהר בטליתות קטנים שלנו שמטילין בהם ציצית שיהיה רובו פתוח…
According to Halacha, one may clean glasses with the Tallis Katan, though some are stringent. With the Tallis Gadol, one should not clean their glasses. However, even with the…
For a blanket that is sometimes used by day, you should make one corner round. There is no need to put Tzitzis on a towel even if one is…
Leave it. The Tzitzis may be worn as is. Do not redo it even lightly. See #8: Can I check my Tzitzis on Shabbos? Sources: אסור…
If most of the length of the coat is closed and only a minority of its length is split, there is no need to round the corner. If it is mostly…
There is a product on the market which is an undershirt with Tzitzis on it. It’s worn by some people in hot weather, or while exercising or jogging. In…