Question: Is a legitimate form of separating Ma'aser marking down in a document how much of your money is Ma'aser? There would be no concern of the money being…
Question: Is a legitimate form of separating Ma'aser marking down in a document how much of your money is Ma'aser? There would be no concern of the money being…
Question: If I were to set aside Ma'aser to one organization which I was benefitting from, but now I am getting the support from a different organization, and its…
Question: I am the director of a moised, all incoming and outgoing money goes through me. What is my halachic obligation on handling this money responsibly. I understand that…
Question: I have an idea that would involve helping people in their Torah learning. It would be a service that I would charge for. It would involve me coaching…
Permitted. Sources: ראה סוטה י"ד ע"א, ונדרים דף ל"ט ע"ב - מ' ע"א, ושו"ע יו"ד ריש סי' של"ה. וראה שו"ע יו"ד סי' רמ"ט סעי' א' ברמ"א, ובש"ך שם…
Ma'aser money may be used to purchase the raffle tickets, since the money is ultimately benefitting a proper Tzedakah organization. However, the prize would become the property of the…
Sometimes one is bombarded with people all day long, while learning and davening, or at home. Therefore, if one is in the middle of a Mitzvah, even if one…
No. You may not use Maaser money for this purpose. Explanation: Maaser money may not be used for any obligatory mitzvah. If circumstances are such that you do not…
Yes you may, but only on work days and if you would not be getting a babysitter otherwise. שו"ת שבט הלוי חלק ה סימן קלג ס"ד בדרך השני.…
Maaser is intended to benefit the poor. Nonetheless, it is customary to use Maaser money for other non obligatory mitzvos. If this is an obligatory training course, Maaser may…
Question: I am the new owner of a food store. The previous owner had a organization pay for the glass near the register in exchange for being able to…
One may "borrow" from their Maaser funds (but not from a Pushka). ראה שו”ע יו”ד סי’ רנז ס”ג שיכול להפריש צדקה וליתן על יד על יד. ועיין ט”ז…
Full Question: Is giving Tzedakah through an app the same as putting coins into a pushka? The way it works is that you add however much money you want…
Yes you may and it’s considered a daily Tzedaka. Preferably you should have in mind (as a condition) when you separate the Ma'aser from your income, that it only…
Please support We are sharing with you a short recording from Rabbi Braun about the AskTheRav platform, dedicated in memory of Horav Schwei a”h. Absolutely.…
The mitzvah of hachzakas Torah (supporting Torah learning) is independent of our general obligation of giving tzedakah (charity). It is greater than any other form of tzedakah and includes supporting even a wealthy talmid chacham (Torah scholar)…
It is a partnership as old as Am Yisroel (the Nation of Israel) itself. The shevatim (tribes) of Yissachar and Zevulun entered into a joint venture: The members of Zevulun navigated ships from…
Yes, as it’s there to replace your paycheck. #7985
Your neighborhood comes before Eretz Yisroel. More specifically, this is the order for giving funds to Tzadakah: Family Your city Eretz Yisroel Other places One may if they so…
Answer: Ma'aser money can be used to pay for non-obligatory Mitzvos and writing a Sefer Torah to be used by a community is definitely a worthy cause. Nonetheless, since…