The custom is not to go to a cemetery on Rosh Chodesh, although it’s not an outright Issur. Many Chassidim go to the ohel on Rosh Chodesh. The Rebbe…
The custom is not to go to a cemetery on Rosh Chodesh, although it’s not an outright Issur. Many Chassidim go to the ohel on Rosh Chodesh. The Rebbe…
The Rebbe asked this question at a Farbrengen and left it unresolved. One approach is to wait till after midnight to say it then. Sources: …
If you see the moon on the plane, you should do Kiddush Levana, and not risk the chance of missing Kiddush Levana altogether. Explanation: The Minhag is that…
If the nails are large and need to be cut, they should be cut regardless. Otherwise, if one cuts the nails every single Erev Shabbos, they may be lenient…
There are three main Shittos in the Poskim when the latest time for Kiddush Levana is: 1. Maharil – Until the exact halfway point between each Moilad. In other words, since…
Question: What is the proper way to say the Bracha before and after Hallel? In certain Siddurim it says that when half Hallel is said, the Tzibbur should be…
Question: I know that if you finished Shemoneh Esrei and you forgot Yaaleh Veyavo on Rosh Chodesh by Ma'ariv, you do not go back. However, if you remember while…
Question: If one can not do an Upsherenish on their son's birthday since it is on Shabbos or Rosh Chodesh etc. would it be better to do it Motzaei…
It is an ancient custom, on each Rosh Chodesh, to study one verse of the chapter of Tehillim that corresponds with the current years of a person’s life. The…
הרבי העלה שאלה זו בהתוועדות והשאיר את זה בספק. גישה אחת היא לחכות עד אחרי חצות ואז לומר תחנון. מקורות: ראה שיחת פסח שני תשמ״ג. ובהנחה - תורת…
Lechatchila, one should not do Kiddush Levana on Shabbos or Yom Tov unless it is the final opportunity. Sources: רמ״א תכו, ב. מג״א שם ז. ושם דשבת חמיר…