An Amah by two Amos (48 cm. x 96 cm.), provided he can do the "ituf" with that size. It’s best to have it a bit larger, in case…
An Amah by two Amos (48 cm. x 96 cm.), provided he can do the "ituf" with that size. It’s best to have it a bit larger, in case…
It depends: if you are wearing a talis kotton and you put back on the Tallis within a few hours (even if you have not intended to do so…
No. Sources: אסור ללבוש בגדים חדשים בשבת חזון - מג"א תקנ"א, ו. משנ"ב שם, ס"ק ט. ומה גם שה"ז בגד חשוב. ראה אג"מ או"ח ח"ד סימן פ. רבבות…
Although obviously I can not answer why the Rebbe does something, we can try to explain the minhag of those who are particular about this matter, to the best…
ברכת שהחיינו על טלית חדשה בלילה עבור מינוי רב חדש
שאלה: בעז"ה בקרוב יהי' לנו דינר מיוחד ובמרכז האירוע נכתיר הרב החשוב וכו' כמורה דאתרא, ובכדי שהעניין יעשה רושם קנינו טלית חדשה למסור לרב החדש, אבל כיון שזה יהיה…
אין צורך להתעטף בציצית עוד פעם. ואם הוא רוצה, יכול להתעטף בטלית לברך, ובתנאי שעברו שלוש שעות מאז שלבש את הטלית לאחרונה. #4749
It is not a problem, even if it is not cold. However, if the Tallis has been off for three hours or more, one would have to make a…
Question: If I am in a Shul where the Kohanim Duchan but I do not have a Tallis on, should I put one on just for Birchas Kohanim? That…
A married man should only make the Bracha on his Tallis Katan if the following conditions are met: 1. He changes the Tallis Katan during the day. 2. He…
Question: Ideally, what is the earliest time one can do Tallis, Tefilin, Shema and Shacharis - all of these from Misheyakir? Bedieved, for example someone who starts work really…
Does it need to be a man who himself is M'chuyav? Answer: The silk Atarah does not need to be sewn by a Jew. #2239
So we generally put on Tallis and Tefillin without a Bracha until Yishtabach. When should we say Barchi Nafshi and Mah Yakar? When do we do Atifas Yishmaelim? Answer: Put…