If not, what If the son was already called up for Shvi’i and the father is getting maftir cause he is a chiyuv, what should be done? Answer:…
If not, what If the son was already called up for Shvi’i and the father is getting maftir cause he is a chiyuv, what should be done? Answer:…
Question: I have seen the seder of aliyos “Kohen-Levi-Yisroel” being disregarded way too many times, especially on Shabbos before Yud Shvat and Simchas Torah, when everyone wants an aliyah.…
שאלה: ראיתי ב'שערים המצוינים בהלכה' של כ' זקנו כמה אופנים שניתן לקרוא לישראל במקום כהן. כמדומה שעיקר ההיתר הוא בעת שמנדב לביהכנ"ס. וכן שמעתי שב770 נותנים רק כשנותנים הרבה…
As a general rule, they should not be given an Aliyah. This will also serve as a statement that doing such an aveira is worse than many other aveiros,…
Ideally, two other people should stand by the bimah, one to his right and one to his left. The baal koreh should hold both atzei chaim. Sources: שיעמדו…
Yes, and so is the practical custom. See here: Halacha2go.com article #304: Preference for a Levi .עיין רמ"א בסי' קלה ו, ט"ז ו, מג"א י, ובמחה"ש שם, תורת…
Candies should certainly not be thrown as they are extremely dangerous. The original custom was to throw soft treats, such as roasted wheat and nuts, raisins, popcorn, etc. This…
If there is no Kohen and only Leviyim and Yisraelim in the minyan, the Levi will receive the first Aliya "Bimkom Kohen" and the Baal Korei should continue reading…
There is no official optimal time to say the Mi Sheberach for those who need a Refuah Shleima. However, it is usually done at the end of the Torah…
One calls the Maftir after reciting the Half-Kaddish. Source: Sharei Efraim 9:1 #3196a
If he will keep a new Jewish name, then give him a Jewish name while calling him up to the Torah. If he won't keep the name then call…
The Gemora tells of a rather finicky Kohen, Yisachar Ish K’far Barka’ee, who would put on gloves before performing the avodah (holy work) in the Beis Hamikdash. Besides for this conduct…
In Sefer Haminhagim - Chabad it is recorded that the custom is to finish one Pasuk before Sheni, i.e. the last Pasuk is דברים א, י. However many testified…
Since only the Ba'al Koreh stands on his porch, does he say the Brochos for all Aliyos by himself, or can he say them on behalf of people standing…
Yes. Sources: ראה אצלנו בהסכמה להוספות של ס׳ בירורי מנהגים סדר היום והלילה מה שכתבנו ליישב הנהוג בכ״מ דסגי בששה שומעים. עיי״ש. ואם חלק לא שמעו כל הקריאה -…
Yes. A Sandak should attempt to get an Aliya the Shabbos before the Bris. קיצור שו״ע עח, יא. #4176
You have several options, listed in order of preference: 1. Someone else should prepare the Kriah of that Aliya and he will take that Aliya (without being called up)…
You have several options, listed in order of preference: 1. Someone else should prepare the Kriah of that Aliya and he will take that Aliya (without being called up)…
המשך השאלה: וזהו מה שמצאתי בפוסקים: דעות המקדימים סנדק לאבי הבן – הלבוש והמגן אברהם סימן רפ"ב (ע"פ מנהגי פוזנא): "הסנדק דוחה לאבי הבן ולמוהל". אליה רבה סימן קל"ו (ע"פ מנהגי ווילנא):…
A Kohen still receives the second Aliya on Rosh Chodesh when there is no Levi, even though the reading repeats itself. Sources: ראה לדוד אמת להחיד"א סי' ו…