Question: Last Shabbos we forgot to turn off the light in the fridge. Only my children above the age of Chinuch were strong enough to open the door. Throughout…
Question: Last Shabbos we forgot to turn off the light in the fridge. Only my children above the age of Chinuch were strong enough to open the door. Throughout…
מלאכה בשבת ע”י קטן
שאלה: בשו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ה סימן כא כתב ״הגם שצודק הערוך השולחן (סימן ש"ח סעיף ס') שאם יכול למנוע מעצמו טילטול גרף של רעי, ע"י שישיג…
Although on the other fasts children should refrain from Nosh, it does not apply to Yom Kippur (see below for reasoning). Sources: ראה מ"א תקנ סק״ב. אבל ראה…
May a child be asked to turn a light on or off on Shabbos? When a need arises to have a light turned on or off on Shabbos (whether…
Question: In general, while we are particular to beli neder wash the kids hands nagel vasser each morning, how careful do we need to be about them touching things/food/eyes…
עד איזה גיל אפשר להכניס ילדה קטנה לבית הכנסת לעזרת גברים?
והאם יש בזה הבדל כמה הבית כנסת מלא [למשל ב770 שלפעמים זה ממש צפוף]? מענה: מעשה רב (בהסכם גדולי ישראל) שגם ילדות קטנות באות עם אבותיהן (לא רק לעזרת…
Question: I asked a while ago about saying Hashems name when making a bracha for a baby before they eat and was told something like that if the baby…
Question: It often happens at home that one my children wants something another child has and tries to think of ways to get it whether just by asking (repeatedly)…
Question: My son is 9 years old, finishing 3rd grade and B"H davens three times a day. Now with Maariv in the summer being so late, it is hard…
Question: I'm embarrassed to say but when I was 10 or 11, our teacher gave us books in the classroom library that we could take out and use and…
Question: Children who are accustomed to recite Hamapil (in the winter months), but go to sleep before dark in the summer months; should they recite Hamapil before dark? …
Question: Regarding children not being exposed to non-kosher animals, is there an issue with pictures of birds? (For example, in this wallpaper) And for that matter, every time a…
Question: I moved into a new apartment and I do have various Shailos in regards to this, but this Shaila is about connecting devices during the Three Weeks: Am…
Question: Concerning the sensitivity that children shouldn't see non-kosher animals - may they see drawings or toys of a unicorn? Since it's a fictional animal, it's definitely not amongst…
Yes, if the boy making kiddush is already the age of chinuch, and wasn't yotzei kiddush himself yet. Sources: מאז שהגיע לחינוך יש להם חיוב לקידוש מדין חינוך…
Who can perform the mitzvah of tevilas keilim (immersing vessels in a mikvah)? Any male or female over the age of bar or bas mitzvah may perform the immersion,…
הדלקת נרות בגן ילדים
שאלה: גננת בגן ילדים שאינם שומרים תורה ומצוות לע״ע שואלת האם מותר לעשות בגן מסיבת חנוכה והדלקת נרות עם ברכה - שלא בזמן ההדלקה - כדי לחנך את הילדים.…
Questions: Taleisim Ktanim worn by small children go through the washing machine very often, this raises several questionable situations: (1) the length of the strings somehow seem to "shrink"…
אופן לימוד א-ב לתינוקות של בית רבן על פי המסורה
אנחנו צוות מורות בגן, ויש לנו שאלה יסודית באופן לימוד א״ב. שאלה: האם יש חסרון בלימוד א״ב לתשב"ר ללמד להם צלילי האותיות, כי שמענו שיש טוענים שבהתוועדויות תשמ"ב ח"ד…
Question: My kids under Bar/Bas Mitzvah, know how to make themselves fried eggs or other simple things in the kitchen, are they allowed to check the eggs themselves? If…