Question: I have something I need to toivel but the label sticker won't come off all the way. is it still a chatzitzah or can it be toiveled any…
Question: I have something I need to toivel but the label sticker won't come off all the way. is it still a chatzitzah or can it be toiveled any…
Generally, one may wash head, face, hands and feet in non hot water. Luke warm water, to remove the chill, is ok too. Likewise, one may wash other parts…
If they will remain for thirty days after Tevilah, it is OK. One may be lenient if it will remain a week after Mikvah, if it will also remain for…
There is a Machlokes about this matter. L’chatchilla one should wipe wet areas before putting on Tefillin. (If a little amount of water remains it’s not a concern). B'dieved, if…
There is a prevailing custom among men—in addition to the tradition of Tevilas Ezra, dating back to the times of the second Bais Hamikdash —to use a Mikvah for…
If no Chatzitzah was found in the teeth, Bedieved the Tevila is valid. Note, one must not Davka floss. Any method of checking and cleaning the teeth is fine.…
Question: The Alter Rebbe speaks of women and girls going to Mikvah before Yom Kippur. What is the accepted Lubavitcher Minhag regarding this? Is there a specific reason why…
(Is there any difference between going Mikva for Tosefes Taharah and Takonas Ezra)? Answer: Men may go into a swimming pool for the purpose of Mikva. You may…
One should not publicize their pregnancy until entering the 5th month. This applies only to “publicizing”. One may share the information with close friends and family. Likewise, it’s ok…