There is a debate amongst early Rishonim whether ancient astrology has any truth to it, though all agree that a Jew shouldn't lead his life solely based off it, see…
There is a debate amongst early Rishonim whether ancient astrology has any truth to it, though all agree that a Jew shouldn't lead his life solely based off it, see…
תשובה בשיחת י״ט כסלו תשמ״ז (סה״ש תשמ״ז א ע׳ 146 ובהערה 10) בקשר עם תליית שיר המעלות בבית הרפואה, נזכר בדרך אגב, ש״בימינו אלה מסיבות רפואיות יולדות הנשים בבית…
Question: What is the Minhag/Halacha for Anash regarding a parent making a Brocha on the birth of a child? The mother saying Hagomel upon giving birth? Answer: The…
Question: I have seen about the Chiyuv Aliya a husband has when the wife goes to Shul the first time after birth, and after 40 days from birth, etc.…
Q. Are we allowed to buy children's books/Seforim before our baby is born? A. In this case, where it is for a Mitzvah, it is certainly OK. Read on…
Both days L'chumra. However, you should ascertain the exact time of birth so that there be no doubts. When most of the head emerges, is the time of birth according…
During Krias Hatorah (preferably) one of the relatives should get an Aliyah and after the Aliyah a Mi Shebeirach should be said, and in the Mi Shebeirach, the girls…
From when one is ready to give birth, experiencing heavy labor, or can’t walk or stand without being aided or blood from birth is flowing, one may be Mechalel…
Question: Do we count the weeks (16 weeks) or from the date on the calendar? For example from Daled Sivan to Daled Tishrei or from Wednesday to Wednesday? …
If she needs the help and can't afford it, it is a legitimate form of Tzedaka. Certainly Maaser money may be used. You should explore if there are cheaper…
One should not publicize their pregnancy until entering the 5th month. This applies only to “publicizing”. One may share the information with close friends and family. Likewise, it’s ok…