Question: I boiled water in a clean Fleishig pot and then poured that water into a Milchig Baby bottle that had a little milk left in it, is the…
Question: I boiled water in a clean Fleishig pot and then poured that water into a Milchig Baby bottle that had a little milk left in it, is the…
Question: My goye accidentally washed a fleshing knife with the milchig dishes all in one sink. She was not using gloves and the knife wasn’t dirty with meat, just…
Question: A plastic spoon was used to mix a milchig coffee in a milchig mug and then used to mix a pareve coffee in a fleishig mug. Both were…
Everything is still Parve, as it was originally. However, Lchatchila you should not use a Fleishig ladle with a soup that you plan to eat later with Milchig, unless…
Assuming that there was Milchig residue on spoon, then If the water was below approximately 45 degrees Celsius or 113 Fahrenheit, or if there was a substantial amount of…
If you know for sure it happened, and that there was actual residue there, then if the water was below approximately 45 degrees celsius or 113 fahrenheit, or if…
Question: I cooked pareve in a Fleishig pot, and mid way through the cooking, I realized I was using a Milchig pot cover, so I switched it for the…
Question: I used a (clean) milchig spoon to stir hot tea in a fleishig mug. The tea, however, was pareve. Is the spoon now okay to use? Answer:…
האם יש מנהג חב”ד להחמיר כהרש”ל שלא לערב עם חלבי מה שבושל בנטל”פ נ”ט בר נ”ט?
גם הרש״ל לא אסר מדינא ורק כתב שנהגו כן. ובנו״כ השו״ע הכריעו כולם להיתר. ולא ידוע לי על מקור ברור ע״ד מנהג אצלנו באופן אחר. וכמדומה ברור שמורי ההוראה…
מותר לאוכלו. מקורות: ראה רמ"א סימן צ"ה סעיף ב וראה ט"ז סוסק"ד. ואם מותר לבשלו לכתחילה ע"ד לאכול עם המין השני, שקו״ט בכ״מ. וראה חכמת אדם כלל מ"ח…
Question: Bread was baked in a Fleishig oven (meat had been roasted uncovered in the oven within 24 hours previously). Someone, ignoring the warning sign on the bread package,…