שאלה: בבית הכנסת כאשר יש מוהל או אבי הבן אבל אין מנין (מקום הברית הוא במק"א), האם שאר המתפללים אומרים תחנון? מענה: כן. מקורות: במקו״ח להחו״י קלא,…
תחנון כשיש בעל ברית ללא מנין
שאלה: בבית הכנסת כאשר יש מוהל או אבי הבן אבל אין מנין (מקום הברית הוא במק"א), האם שאר המתפללים אומרים תחנון? מענה: כן. מקורות: במקו״ח להחו״י קלא,…
Question: Our yeshiva has two zals in the same building with two separate minyonim every day and there is going to be a Bris in one of them. Do…
Question: If there’s a chosson in the shul during davening and the minyan (or individual) skipped Tachanun, and by the time they reach the end of ashrei, the chosson…
One should not interrupt between the conclusion of Shmoneh Esrei and Tachnun. On the other hand, there is an Inyan to say Tachnun with a Minyan. Practically, if when…
Question: If someone is davening in a shul building, but not in the actual Beis Hakeneses where the Sifrei Torah are kept and not in a room that opens…
Question: In the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch he paskens that for Shachris we don't say tachnun in a shul where a bris is being held (seemingly regardless if the…
Regarding placing the head on the arm etc. - it is done as usual. When the Sefer Torah is being moved and requires one to stand, one should not…
Question: While covering the head with the arm during Tachanun; is the head supposed to be touching the covering, or not actually touching only covering? Answer: There are…
Question: I've always heard that one doesn't do Nefilas Apayim when there's no Sefer Torah in a room. But recently I've heard that one does so if there are…
One should not make a hefsek (interruption) between Shemonah Esrei and Tachanun, and if one does his Tachanun is not fully accepted. However, one need not be concerned about…