Question: Is it OK to go to the Ohel at night? How about not eating; I can't eat all day, or it's OK not to eat just from Shkiah?…
Question: Is it OK to go to the Ohel at night? How about not eating; I can't eat all day, or it's OK not to eat just from Shkiah?… Q. Can I use lemon in the Rosh Hashana food if it’s not strong tasting? A. One can use lemon if it is mixed with other flavors…
ברכת שהחיינו על טלית חדשה בלילה עבור מינוי רב חדש
שאלה: בעז"ה בקרוב יהי' לנו דינר מיוחד ובמרכז האירוע נכתיר הרב החשוב וכו' כמורה דאתרא, ובכדי שהעניין יעשה רושם קנינו טלית חדשה למסור לרב החדש, אבל כיון שזה יהיה…
Question: I know it’s Chabad custom to name a little girl at the first available opportunity. If I have a girl iy”H, and the birth is sometime between Thursday…
It has become common practice not to remove one’s Tefillin until after the recitation of Kedushah in the passage beginning U’Va LeTziyon. Some authorities maintain that according to the Kabbalah one must [respond to] three Kaddishim while…
שפיכת מים לפני השתיה
שאלה: האם צריכים לשפוך טיפה מכל משקה ששותים לפני השתיה? והאם זה משנה באם המים מגיעים מברז? ומהו המקור למנהג זה? מענה: נכון לנהוג כן. להטעם - עיין במקורות…
Ksav Yad Kodesh There is a discussion between the Poskim on this subject. Some say that one should be Machmir Le'Chathila to write בס"ד and not ב"ה in order…
No. Unless your parents are not Makpid. Even in this case, if there is someone there who has no parents you shouldn’t say it. The common custom, however, is that…
The general custom is to avoid taking a haircut on Lag Ba'Omer. If there is a special necessity (for instance, your hair is inappropriately long), you may take a…
For those that dislike wine, with a medical condition or pregnant, Grape Juice may be used. It is recommended to add some wine to the grape juice if possible.…
On an earth floor, one may not rub the spit but rather they should place their shoe over it without rubbing it. On a wooden floor, in an area…
If you intended originally to wash your hands for Davening, then you do not need to wash your hands again after eating, so long that you didn’t touch covered…
One should try to wash in a sink which is outside the bathroom. If there is no other option, you should cover the toilet before washing and dry the…
There are three main Shittos in the Poskim when the latest time for Kiddush Levana is: 1. Maharil – Until the exact halfway point between each Moilad. In other words, since…
Question: I work in a field where I interact almost exclusively with Goyim. When a client asks me "How are your doing" is it Mutar to answer "Thank G-d"?…
Correct. Sources: שקו״ט בקדושת סידור בכלל לענין זה (והרי י״ב פסוקי תורה, בפ׳ הקרבנות, שמע ועוד, נוסף לקריה״ת לימות החול), אם דינו כחומש, נ״ך או תושבע״פ - ראה מחזיק…
Question: What is the proper way to say the Bracha before and after Hallel? In certain Siddurim it says that when half Hallel is said, the Tzibbur should be…
Question: If one can not do an Upsherenish on their son's birthday since it is on Shabbos or Rosh Chodesh etc. would it be better to do it Motzaei…
The Chayenu publication should be on the bottom of all. Sources: בשו״ת וישמע משה רכג, שבחוברת עם פרשה אחת [כשי״ב פ״ה תיבות לפחות - ראה שו״ע אדה״ז שלד,…
Yes. Sources: כן המנהג. וכן מעשה רב במוצש״ק, אור לי״ז טבת, תשמ״ט. וככל הנראה גם באור לי״ט טבת תשכ״ה.