Can "leshev baSukkah" be said in it? I don't know for sure if the Sukkah that I'm relying on (at this point) will be built before Yom Tov. …
Can "leshev baSukkah" be said in it? I don't know for sure if the Sukkah that I'm relying on (at this point) will be built before Yom Tov. …
Question: What is the din in a case where there was a pot full of soup under which the fire was turned off just before Shabbos, and someone mistakenly…
Question: A crock pot containing cholent was somehow turned off on Friday night in a Chabad House, and a yid asked the goy to turn it back on. Although…
Question: On Shabbos morning, a pot of fish with a lot of sauce was mistakenly placed on the hot plate to warm up. The mistake was realized, and the…
פולמוס הצ׳ולנט – בישול בשבת
פולמוס הצ׳ולנט - מעשה דרמות: מעשה שהיה בשכונתינו (רמות פולין ירושלים) בשב"ק האחרונה, התקיימה שבת שבע ברכות באולם ובא המלצר בליל שבת וראה שהניחו את סיר הצולנט על האש הקטנה ואת המרק על האש הגדולה, ולכן…
Question: This past Friday my wife started cooking the cholent about 4 hours before Shabbos. About an hour after Shabbos came in, she was watching the cholent pot cook…
הנאה ממעשה שבת בבגד שניקה ממנו כתם
שאלה: מעשה שהיה בראובן שאכל סעודת שבת. החולצה שלו הלבנה התלכלכה בכתם גדול של קטשופ. ראובן ניקה את הכתם בשבת עם מים במזיד. נראה שראובן חייב להוריד את החולצה…
Question: If I'm at a meal in Crown Heights on Shabbos and someone brings a bottle of wine to the meal on Shabbos can I drink from that wine,…
Question: If someone not-yet-frum brought wine or other food on Friday night by car, may it be used that night for the meal? especially because he may get offended…
Question: If someone turned on the light on Shabbos by mistake (either by bumping into the switch, or they forgot it was Shabbos) is it permitted to benefit from…
You may open it after Shabbos after the amount of time it takes to post such a picture or video after Shabbos elapses, which is literally a few seconds…
Question: A friend of mine, who is a yid that rachamana litzlan doesn't keep Shabbos gave me a monetary gift, and I'm wondering if I'm allowed to benefit from…
Question: I have relatives that hold of and use the eruv in crown heights on Shabbos. Am I allowed to have pleasure from things they carry on Shabbos? For…
Yes. However, it would be appropriate to inform them that you don’t want to cash this check as it might have been written on Shabbos and you would prefer…
בכלל, איסור דרבנן שנעשה על ידי ישראל במזיד אסור לכל ישראל להנות, ובמוצ"ש מותר מיד. ואם נעשה בשוגג (שלא ידע שאסור לטלטל בשבת) אז מותר לכל ישראל ליהנות מזה…
Question: My family, who I live with, doesn't keep Shabbos. If someone buys something on Shabbos, am I able to use it? (tissues, food, appliances etc.) And is it…
Question: If I get pictures or videos (of a Seuda or Shul) that were taken on Shabbos by a non-Shomer Shabbos (or LeHavdil, a Goy), can I print/use/publicize them?…
The Keilim may be bought but must first be kashered. Food cooked in these Keilim are forbidden. טעמים ומקורות: ראה מג״א שיח, א. פמ״ג בא״א. תהל״ד א. ובאו״א -…
Question: I asked my sister for a laptop. She offered to send it with my mother who would be returning back from her on Shabbos day. (My mother is…