If yes, how dry does it need to be? (this past week even after learning for an hour my beard was still wet). Answer: The common custom is…
If yes, how dry does it need to be? (this past week even after learning for an hour my beard was still wet). Answer: The common custom is…
Question: https://asktherav.com/376-showers-on-yom-tov/ Regarding your rulings about showers on Yom Tov, the Rav quotes from Rav Akiva Eiger that when in Tzar one can take a cold shower. Does the…
Question: According to the ויש אומרים the Alter Rebbe brings in שכו:ד, washing hands and then placing them near something warm is not allowed on Shabbos (if they are…
Questions: Shower: What is the din with regards to taking a shower on Shabbos? Does it make a difference if the shower is cold or hot (if the hot…
Question: Is it permitted to go swimming or dip one's feet in a swimming pool on Shabbos or Yom Tov? Answer: Swimming - No. Dipping your feet -…
Yes. Sources: משום סחיטה ליכא - שוע"ר שכו, סס"ו. ואף משום בונה - עיין מ"א שג, סקכ"ג בשם הריב"ש, ובמחצית השקל שם ד"ה משמע, שמדביק השערות זו בזו…
To dry the hair lightly so it shouldn't be squeezing deliberately, you should also use a towel so that you don't mind it getting wet. Sources: סימן שכ"ו…
Firstly, the allowances given here to showering on Yom Tov is only when the following conditions are met: a) One will assure not to run into the problem of סחיטה (squeezing)…
Only liquid soap is permitted to use on Shabbos. Some are stringent even with liquid soap to dilute and add water before Shabbos. If it’s so watery that it…