Can one use garlic powder and eggs in a kugel on Erev Yom Kippur?
Question: Regarding the restrictions of garlic and eggs on Erev Yom Kippur, would this apply to garlic powder and eggs in a kugel? Answer: Only if they are…
Question: Regarding the restrictions of garlic and eggs on Erev Yom Kippur, would this apply to garlic powder and eggs in a kugel? Answer: Only if they are…
Question: I need to go with a minyan to ask mechila by a kever. Do I need 10 persons in addition to myself (total of 11), or 9 plus…
בענין ברכת הגומל האם צריך עשרה או יב
שאלה: כתב בית יוסף סימן ריט ג כתב רב אלפס (שם) צריך לאודויי באנפי עשרה. כדאמר אביי (שם) וכתב ג"כ דתרי מינייהו רבנן כדאמר רב הונא וכ"כ ג"כ הרמב"ם…
Hoadomo. Sources: דעת אדה״ז בסדר ברה״נ ו, ז שביוצא מהגזע נחשב ירק לענין ברכתו. אבל י״א בפה״ע. וראה קצוה״ש מט בבדה״ש ו דקאי התם רק בעצים רכים. וראה…
על הסלע הך ויצאו מים
לכב' כת"ר שליט"א! שלום וברכה! ראיתי ששרים בהקפות ניגון שמחה עם המילים על הסלע הך ויצאו מים. ואני לא מבין את הניגון הזה - מה המיוחד במלים הללו. ובעצם,…
שבת חול המועד סוכות – והזמנים
שאלה: כתב דרכי משה סימן תרסג סק"ב וכתוב במנהגים (שם עמ' קלה) וחותם [בהפטרה] בשבת שבחול המועד מקדש השבת וישראל והזמנים וכן הוא בכל המנהגים וצ"ע מאי שנא שבת…
Question: My question is about the orlah status of passion fruit in chutz laaretz. I understand that there is a machlokes as to whether the fruit has a bracha…
About 56cm. One should not follow the smallest shiur, especially as one should use here wider tefachim, thus it would be at least 57.16 cm. Ideally it should be…
Question: My extended family had a get together on Shabbos afternoon. A cousin in Eretz Yisroel made a Door Dash order (after Shabbos ended there) from 7-Eleven to be…
When leaving a review on Amazon you are stating: 1. That you bought the product. 2. That you tried and used the product. 3. How the product performed. One…
Question: Regarding finishing mishnayos for shloshim, if Rosh Hashana ends shiva early and then Yom Kippur ends shloshim early, does that apply also for chalukas mishnayos? Or is it…
One should not spread icing on a cake on Shabbos, nor make designs on it. On Yom Tov, one may spread icing. Sources: ממרח - ראה רמ"א או"ח…
There is a discussion amongst contemporary poskim regarding prenuptial agreements. Sometimes a husband and wife have irreconcilable differences, which unfortunately lead to divorce. Numerous solutions have been proposed over the generations to address…
Generally, Maaser money cannot be used for obligatory Mitzvos or causes but may be used for Hiddur Mitzvos in certain cases. Subsequently, if the checking is being done because…
Question: I left a bottle of non-mevushal wine that had the cap on but had been opened and some of it consumed less than 24 hours before, one bag…
Question: It says in hilchos seudah that one shouldn't give food that is befitting for a person to an animal as its an embarrassment to the food. Does that…
Yes, unless it has a noticeably sour taste. There is room to argue that there is also an issue with the name of the bread, that if it’s locally…
Question: I left a bottle of non-mevushal wine that had the cap on but had been opened and some of it consumed, less than 24 hours ago, one bag inside…
(AD(H)D Medication, or any other similar medicines) Does it make a difference if prescribed? (Some rely on such medications for basic personal function, some for enhancement.) Does it make…
Question: We purchased a new home BH and the patio area has metals slats that are about 1.5 inches wide and are spaced 1.5 inches apart from each other.…