Please see here on our website. The same applies in this case. Question 2: I'm wondering if someone that is very seriously in the process of conversion, and keeps Torah…
Please see here on our website. The same applies in this case. Question 2: I'm wondering if someone that is very seriously in the process of conversion, and keeps Torah…
No. The money is to be used for food specifically. See a similar discussion here:
Question: I have a certain credit card that gives me rewards that can be turned into money. If I have 100,000 points those points are worth $1000. The company…
If the teachers are in the category that they may receive Tzedaka - as often is the case - then it may be taken from Maaser money. However, if…
If the Tzedakah money had not been designated to a particular recipient, no one has a claim to it; thus the one that was holding the money doesn’t have the…
Question: How many US dollars should a person give to fulfill what the Alter Rebbe says in Tanya about the 18 polish coins for each particular Aveirah instead of…
Usually not. In the unusual case where there are not enough people to be mesameach the Chosson and Kallah, as the expected norm, and it is certain that the…
If I give a Chomesh, is it better I give only 10% and then be able to give more Tzedakah? Answer: Tzedaka and Maaser are different, although interconnected:…
If one wishes to attend a dinner or Melaveh Malkah for the benefit of a Mosad (a religious institution), and they would like to pay using Ma’aser money, they must first assess…
Question: Can I separate Maaser at night into an envelope? Can I make an online Maaser/Tzedaka donation at night? Answer: Yes to both questions. The only issue with…
If you teach in a school teaching Torah and it is not part of your obligation to provide incentives, it is permitted to use Maaser money for this cause.…
You need to give Maaser only on the extra profit from selling the product. For example, if you bought it for $10 and then sold it for $11, giving you…
Payments that were made cannot be considered Maaser if they were made from non-Maaser money. As to using Maaser for personal education — this is highly debatable. A solution would…
Can I give Maaser to non-Jews who ask for money, in the subway let's say? Answer: One must give Tzedaka, even a minimal amount, to all people who stop and…
Maaser money may be used for buying Seforim if they are being used by the public. One must inscribe in the Seforim that they were bought from Maaser money.…
If she needs the help and can't afford it, it is a legitimate form of Tzedaka. Certainly Maaser money may be used. You should explore if there are cheaper…
Is tuition considered Ma'aser? Meaning, can I take it from Ma'aser money? The Gemara says that your financial needs for the whole year is pre-determined, and you should…
If the purpose of the Shabbos party is to teach Torah, instill Torah values, and promote Torah and Mitzvos, like saying 12 Pesukim etc., and the nosh and prizes…
Although there are Poskim that say you can do so under certain circumstances, the majority of the Poskim are of the opinion that it cannot be done retroactively. As…