Question: Am I allowed to give my Ma'aser money for someone who is doing a course to learn Milah? Is he allowed to use his own Ma'aser for it.…
Question: Am I allowed to give my Ma'aser money for someone who is doing a course to learn Milah? Is he allowed to use his own Ma'aser for it.…
Question: I have been giving chomesh from my earnings ever since I got married. I just moved and my rent went up a lot. Now my salary barely covers…
Question: Can I use maaser money to buy a mivtzoim menorah that goes on top of the car for me to have it on my car during Chanukah? If…
Question: I have two young children Bh, one a year and a half, and one 2 months old. Am I allowed to use the Chanukah gelt they received to…
Question: I'm a Shliach and I really wanna understand the standard of Maaser. What is considered making ends meet? Rent, groceries, utilities, phone and gas? What of a Shliach…
Generally, Maaser money cannot be used for obligatory Mitzvos or causes but may be used for Hiddur Mitzvos in certain cases. Subsequently, if the checking is being done because…
Question: I am a teacher who also has children in the school I teach at. My kids tuition are deducted from my full salary. Ex. instead of receiving $2000,…
Question: I’ve been struggling financially for the past year, to the extent that I had to take some loans (and gifts as well), I haven’t been giving Maasar since.…
Question: If I am lending my money which is in my saving account to a Jew and losing the interest that would accumulate during this time, can this amount…
If you are struggling to make ends meet, you can pay a little of the maaser every month and a give the rest when your financial situation improves. P.S.…
One is obligated to send two Manos to at least one person. This obligation cannot be fulfilled with money from maiser. The same applies if there is a cultural,…
Are you referring to parents or teachers using Maaser for this? For teachers: If these supplies are used to enhance the children's Yiddishe Chinuch (and not to ease the…
Asking regarding friends, as well as acquaintances that I wouldn't necessarily buy a gift for, but want to help towards their marriage. Answer: One may use maaser to…
Question: I know ma'aser isn't supposed to be used for mandatory mitzvos, of which pru u'rvu is one. Is there leniency for ma'aser to be put towards fertility treatments?…
Question: I got a get several months ago but the civil divorce hasn’t even been filed. I don’t currently have a paying job (I’m taking care of the kids)…
No, if the husband already gave Ma'aser. Sources: לכאו׳ נדו״ד לא שנא ממעות שנתקבלו בירושה או במתנה, שכיון שעבר לרשות אחרת חייב לעשר, והה״נ בכגון דא כשאין לבעלה…
The only way you can earn them is through spending money, is it considered earned money? Answer: Miles: If you can only use the points for very specific…
Question: If I donate the proper amount of Ma'aser to a tzedaka organization and, after receiving the full amount, that organization sends me a tax-exempt receipt which might help…
Depends on the arrangement the employer has with the employee in advance. Either way, this cannot be considered actual Ma'aser. Sources: יש לדון משום לא תעשוק או לא…
Question Continued: If yes, is there a difference of what type of program we are doing? And what about if we are having a meeting for shlichus? Answer:…