אם אפשר לשמוע מגילה תחילה ברוב עם ואח״כ לטבול, עדיף כך. טעמים ומקורות: בשו״ת חוקי חיים ז, או״ח פח, ב כתב שיש דין קדימה לטבילה שלא להרחיק חפיפה…
ליל טבילה במוצאי תענית אסתר ליל קריאת המגילה. איך תנהג האשה? האם יכולה לטבול קודם מגילה? אם כן, האם זה הדרך הנכון?
אם אפשר לשמוע מגילה תחילה ברוב עם ואח״כ לטבול, עדיף כך. טעמים ומקורות: בשו״ת חוקי חיים ז, או״ח פח, ב כתב שיש דין קדימה לטבילה שלא להרחיק חפיפה…
Question: Is the Chabad custom of women going to a bor al gabei bor mikveh a hiddur or a minhag or something else? Where I live right now, the…
Wouldn't some sort of hair net that contained the hair without interfering with the water make much more sense? Answer: Please note that AskTheRav receives many questions from…
Does the Halacha of returning to the mikvah after seeing a goy or non-kosher animal apply only to a live person or animal or to even a picture on…
Question: My wife is beginning her ninth month, her family has the minhag to toivel in the ninth month. I also have heard that toiveling afterward is a segula…
Question: When going to the mikvah, my wife has done 9 tevilos, for many years, she feels that this is too much for her and would like to do…
Question: For any number of reasons, medical, covid and other, I was unable to go to the mikvah since December. I am able to go now. I did my…
מותר לקצוץ הצפרנים והשערות. שאר ההכנות צריכים להיות ביום של הטבילה. #10611
Question: Dear Rabbi, My husband lately is very busy at work during my 2 weeks following mikvah. He is home and attentive mikvah night but most of the 2…
https://asktherav.com/may-should-one-go-to-mikveh-if-they-are-in-quarantine/ Important Notice About Women's Mikvah - Timely Messages from Rabbi Braun Episode #25 - The following are the guidelines for going to the mikvah…
Update (Rosh Chodesh Nissan): See here. Women's Mikvah: A woman who is quarantine should not go to Mikvah. In addition, stay posted with the guidelines of your local…
So long as we are in Galus, Mikvah would be pushed off to Motzaei Tishah B'av. All preparations should be done on Erev Tisha B'Av, including bathe, brush hair,…
No. You may wash the bottom half of your body. Sources: רמ''א ס' תקנ''א סט''ז וכתב ''מעט כדרכה בשאר ימות השנה'', ולכאו׳ הני מילי קצת סתראי נינהו, שמעט…
I recently heard that there is a halachic opinion that if Mikvah night is Friday night, a woman who lives too far to walk can toivel at sundown and…
Yes. Clean your mouth and teeth very well afterwards. Sources: בשו״ת דבר משה אמאריליו מז, לאכול רק מרק של בשר. והועתק גם בכה״ח תרצו, נה. אבל ראה א״א…
If the tinting of the eyelashes is well maintained without noticeable gaps, there is room for leniency to Tovel with eye lash tint on. Use only dye which has…
Question: I learnt with my Kallah teacher that I have to always be really careful to take off any dead skin from my feet before going to Mikvah and…
If they will remain for thirty days after Tevilah, it is OK. One may be lenient if it will remain a week after Mikvah, if it will also remain for…
If no Chatzitzah was found in the teeth, Bedieved the Tevila is valid. Note, one must not Davka floss. Any method of checking and cleaning the teeth is fine.…
There are several issues with using a river for a Mikvah: 1. The river must not stem from rainwater, unless it’s stagnant - not flowing. Pipes through which water passes…