Hatoras Nedorim for changing Minhag of amount of Tevilos



When going to the mikvah, my wife has done 9 tevilos, for many years, she feels that this is too much for her and would like to do 3, is she allowed to do so?



She should be matir neder. This takes place In the presence of three people one of which is an expert in the laws of vows and the other two need to be knowledgeable enough that they would understand if explained to them.

Alternatively, if the husband didn’t know about her minhag he can annul the vow on the same day he hears about it. However after sunset of that day he may no longer annul it, unless he didn’t know that he has the ability to annul, in which case he must annul on the same day he finds out that he may. Vows are annulled by saying three times that they are annulled or nullified or any expression which indicates that the vow has been negated as of its very beginning.  He also can ask three people to absolve his “confirmation” of her minhag (his not annulling it) and on that same day he may annul it.


שו״ת חות יאיר קפא וע״פ פרטי הדינים בשו״ע יו״ד רלד.

