Question: We just bought our first Sukkah without Schach parts like mats or bamboo poles. I was wondering about the usage of Sisal rope can it be used to…
Question: We just bought our first Sukkah without Schach parts like mats or bamboo poles. I was wondering about the usage of Sisal rope can it be used to…
Question: If I left my bamboo poles on my Sukkah since last Sukkos and there's enough of it to make the Sukkah kosher, but I am putting new evergreen…
Some details that might be of importance: It has not been built yet. This is for someone who wants to construct one now. They need basic kashrus, no extra…
We have been using the regular bamboo poles for our sukkah. Each year, we are given the suggestion to use the mats which seem to be more convenient. As…
Some are particular to use tree branches (specifically palm leaves) for various reasons (see references below), although halachically it isn’t a requirement. ונתנו טעם לדבר, שסוכה בגי׳ אילן…
Once Sukkos has passed, the Schach may be used for any purpose, although it is appropriate to avoid stepping on the Schach or using it for a disrespectful purpose.…
.אם מעמידים הסכך מעל קרשים אלו כשר לכתחילה Sources: ברגים אלו הינם מעמיד למעמיד עיין שוע״ר סימן תרכט יב ומ״א ס״ק ט
The Ma'amid (what the Schach rests on or what's holding down the Schach) should Lechatchilah be from something that is Kosher for Schach. Nylon, however, is Mekabel Tumah and…