One may not place clothing in a washing machine or dryer before Shabbos if the cycle will finish only after the commencement of Shabbos. In some cases of great…
One may not place clothing in a washing machine or dryer before Shabbos if the cycle will finish only after the commencement of Shabbos. In some cases of great…
The type that we have - you open it, and push down the center, and pull up the sides. Then you take the cover it was wrapped in and…
Question: May adults shake rattles or other shaker toys on Shabbos to soothe or entertain children? Should a child be allowed to shake these toys on Shabbos? …
Question: I have mesibas Shabbos on Shabbos and we walk back usually after Shabbos is over. On the way there the weather is still nice but the way back…
Question: Can I move a LED light. It is a pre lit lantern that has a power button to turn on and off. Is not connected to a battery…
I am assuming you’re not addressing the insole that comes with the shoe, and in many times it’s really uncomfortable (if not impossible) to walk without it. Rather, you’re…
It's allowed. Sources: נסתפקו באיסור שהי׳ בתולדות האור. ונראה שההכרעה להיתר - ראה רעק״א שיח למג״א י. הב״ד בבה״ל שם ג ד״ה ואפילו. וראה ראש יוסף שבת לח,…
There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
You should take the pot out of the base first. One may return the pot provided that one adheres to all the Chazara conditions: The food must be completely…
Answer: In pressing circumstances, it is permitted. Lechatchilah one should use a challah that is completely whole. Sources: חלה שחסר ממנה אחד ממ"ח או פחות (אפילו אם החסרון…
May a child be asked to turn a light on or off on Shabbos? When a need arises to have a light turned on or off on Shabbos (whether…
Question: May we rely on the (recent) Mechabrim who reasoned why listening to music on Erev Shabbos after Chatzois and Motzoei Shabbos during Sefira would be permitted? Answer:…
Shabbos: Yes. Yom Tov (when it falls on a weekday): One may not invite a non Jew for any Yom Tov meals. If they come themselves, it is…
Question: What is the din in a case where there was a pot full of soup under which the fire was turned off just before Shabbos, and someone mistakenly…
Only if you will use it on Shabbos. May I put a bottle of milk in the freezer so that it doesn't go bad? Yes. See here:…
Question: Can you wipe off hands that have juice from cherries on a red or dark colored towel on Shabbos? (white towel has a problem of צובע) Answer:…
Can I Give a gift to a Bar Mitzvah boy on Shabbos? It is forbidden on Shabbos to give a Matono, a gift. This is a form of a…
Is it a zilzul Shabbos? Can I use the copies? Answer: If the printing is finished before Shabbos comes in (at sunset), there’s no issue altogether. As for…
Question: We know the Chazal say that what you spend for Shabbos does not go into the cheshbon. Does this apply to just food or also all Shabbos needs?…
טעם קודם הבדלה – האם צריך לחזור ולהתפלל?
שאלה: קייל״ן שהשוכח אתה חוננתנו וטעם קודם הבדלה, צריך לחזור ולהתפלל עם אתה חוננתנו. נשאלתי שאלה מעניינת, מה הדין בטועם את התבשיל לשם טעימה ולא לשם אכילה, [שקיי"ל בסי'…