You are allowed to touch the alarm clock before Negel Vasser. מקורות: ראה בארוכה בשאלה 4103 בנוגע לנגיעה בכלים לפני נט״י. ודון מינה ואוקי באתרין. ואי״ז סותר לפס״ד…
You are allowed to touch the alarm clock before Negel Vasser. מקורות: ראה בארוכה בשאלה 4103 בנוגע לנגיעה בכלים לפני נט״י. ודון מינה ואוקי באתרין. ואי״ז סותר לפס״ד…
שאלות: א. האם נוהגים להחמיר וליטול ידיים גם אחרי שינת עראי של 3 דק' המוזכר בקצוה"ש סי' ב סק"א? ב. האם דין שינת עראי היא גם כשלא ישן במיטה? ג.…
Upon awaking in the morning we wash Negel Vasser (ritual washing of the hands in an alternating right/left pattern) to remove the vestiges of impurity acquired while we slept. But…
Question: Does a mother have to wash her hands before reciting Tehilim etc. if she touched somewhere meant to be covered, since it is not too practical or possible…
If you intended originally to wash your hands for Davening, then you do not need to wash your hands again after eating, so long that you didn’t touch covered…
You should wash your hands by your bed then go to the bathroom, wash your hands a second time, and then recite the blessing "Al Netilas Yadayim" after wiping…
A Keli is not necessary. Some are Machmir to wash three time with a Keli. (א) Q. Is it enough to pour a few drops of water on my…
Washing when getting up to feed a baby, see here.
If one fell asleep, they should wash three times. However, it does not need to be done by the bed. If one did not even fall asleep, there is no need…
Question: Someone that was up the whole night – does he say Modeh Ani? Answer: The Rebbe asked this question and didn’t provide us with an answer. Question:…
Question: There are many times one has to wash Negel Vasser like after cutting nails, when wake up, before learning Torah, when scratched scalp, walking into a bathroom, touch…
One should try to wash in a sink which is outside the bathroom. If there is no other option, you should cover the toilet before washing and dry the…
After going to the bathroom, there is no need to wash the amount and method needed for Netilas Yadayim. However, some are particular to wash always three times, especially…
Question: Does one have to wash hands after touching a baby's feet (or other body parts that on an older person would be covered) before saying a Bracha etc?…
Usually after nursing it is very likely a mother will have touched a part of her body that requires Netilas Yadayim. However, if the mother was careful not to touch…
The clothes may be used. Regarding food, some Poskim say that B'dieved they can be used. However, there are those who are wary of a Chashash Sakanah. There are…
A1. The orange juice is permissible. Q2. So that means that uncovered soup, tomato sauce, drinks like coke or iced tea are all fine? Also, when is Gilui…
One who naps in the evening and wakes up before Chatzos needs to wash Negel Vasser by the bed. After one sleeps, whether by day or night, they must wash…